Dipen Javia

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since Jun 12, 2004
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Hey barb,

I am sorry barb but i couldnt understand what you are trying to do with that code and I didnt understand the term "lazy initialization".
20 years ago
Hey Leo,

Thank you so much for exaplaing the use of an interface with an example. I really appreciate your help.
[ June 16, 2004: Message edited by: Dipen Javia ]
20 years ago
IDEA? but thats probably used by big companies for very very advanced stuff. But IDEA is the ideal IDE. They have 30-day evalution copy for download.

For more inforamtion on IDEA, http://www.jetbrains.com/idea

I am *really* confused what an Interface is and what Interface does. I would really appreciate if someone could explain me what an Interface is and what it does with an example if possible.

Thanx in advance
20 years ago
Hey barbara,

You have your array initialized as StringBuffer, but you have data type as 'int' in setm() and getm(). I recommend that you change all 'int' into 'StringBuffer'. Plus, (m == a) will set the value of m, which is the memory location of the array, into the variable 'a'. You can have your arrays private. Private can be accessed within the class.

You might want to consider using loops to go through an array and access/modify it.

Here is an example:

In the example above, setM() will set the value "myValue" in the array, and the getM() will print "myValue" 10 times.
[ June 15, 2004: Message edited by: Dipen Javia ]
20 years ago