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since Jun 12, 2004
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Recent posts by Weronpc


My new project requires some application to validate XML file against a Schema or a DTD file. We are planning to use XML Spy, but XML Spy is not free. Does anyone know some free ware out there I can download to validate XML?

Thank you,

I can read and write XML files using Java (Crimson or Xerces). To enhance it, I want to apply the Schema rules when writing XML.

If the schema is already provided, how can I use the Schema to write a XML file? Anyone have any good tutorials?

I can create an Image within a Applet
Image image = getImage("image location");

How do I create an Image object within JFram?
20 years ago
loading = load all images on screen before repaint again.
My friend wrote an Applet that contains thread, I think Applet does this automatically: Make sure everything load befor running the thread.

But my programming is not an Applet, when I start my program, the thread will run before the program finish loading. Is there a way to fix this problem?

This test allow to get help from anywhere I want. Maybe you are thinking some kinda College or University exam. No man, it's a very none secure test. Think about it, if they want secure exam, it wouldn't be a online test. So, Jeroen Wenting, you should keep your brain with you when answering qustions.

20 years ago
I have to do an Online Java test soon, wondering is there a MIRC channel for java help? or other chat line like MSN or ICQ that I can get Java help?

Thank you all,

20 years ago
Thank you Jason,

I understand what is Singleton class now, but I just don't understand why or when will we need to use such class.
20 years ago
from Mike Gershman:

Any class containing or inheriting an abstract method must itself be defined as abstract.

How come Eric Fletcher's peel method didn't declear as abstract?

To Eric Fletcher's post, Abstract acts really much like an interface. What are the differencs of them?

Thank you all again
20 years ago
Someone tell me what's singleton class?
20 years ago
what is abstract class and method mean?
what is concret class means?
what is static method means?

thank you all
20 years ago
Someone told me J2EE has XML too, I read some XML (it's like home made HTML tags) and I have no idea how Java could use it. Maybe it just doesn't click in my head because I don't see the purpose of have XML.

But most job posting wants XML knowledge, why? Do you have some basic example with java and xml? I finds best way to understand is to see the code.



What is a node? I read about it, it's like some kind of refference to something, something like a pointer in C++? Don't quite understand
20 years ago
I post new topics all the time, when other users answer my questions, I doesn't get notify.

Is there a way to set when others answer my post, I will be notify by email?
20 years ago
Thank you all for you reply, you guys are nice people.

Could someone give me few lines of codes (example codes) how a servlet send info to jsp?
20 years ago