Paul Moran

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since Jun 13, 2004
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Sorry about that one bad...wont happen again


I have just deleted the two class files from my working dir. After i recompile, I get the two class files (as expected) ...when i go to run the program, I still get these errors

I have a page here that I am using to help troubleshoot this annoying error:

Appreciate any help you can give...this really is getting quite annoying


20 years ago
does this error code lead you to any ideas ??

cheers mate
[ June 14, 2004: Message edited by: Jim Yingst ]
20 years ago
do i have to anything to 'enable' swing ??

Im totally clueless as to what may have gone wrong ?
20 years ago
okey dokey...i think we're getting somewhere ...

Im in my working directory and i type: java HelloWorldSwing

and i get the following:

Does that make the problem obvious to you ?? as it just makes me more confused lol

cheers again mate..appreciate your help!!

20 years ago
when i do that i get

Any clues ?

thanks again mate

20 years ago
hey mate,

ooppss...should have cleared that up...I have compiled my dir I have HelloWorldSwing.class and ...

I used javac c:\sun\appserver\jdk\bin to compile and get the .class file...then i run java c:\sun\appserver\jdk\bin\<working dir>\

This is where i get the apparent error ...notepad popping up and no JFrame window as expected.

Im quite confused...

Cheers mate...hope to hear from yuo soon

20 years ago
im running it from DOS in a console from c:/sun/appserver/jdk/bin using java c:\<path>\

and then it just opens the code in notepad ?

Seems that the swing libraries dont kick into action ?

Does that help clear it up at all ?

Cheers for your help!!!

20 years ago
Hi All,

Im very new to Java and I am doing a simple 'Hello World' swing tutorials as follows:

When i run the file it pops up the code in Notepad instead of the expected JFrame ...

What have i overlooked ??

Cheers for any help

20 years ago