Suma Narayan

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 03, 2000
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Recent posts by Suma Narayan

Hi Mark,
Thanks for the reply. I have been reading the topics in this forum regularly. I agree with you that the job market is not all that good right now. But, I am hoping that there will be more opportunities for experienced professionals like us in future. I know that with my present skill set and a gap of almost four years, it is difficult to find a suitable job. Hence I would like to make best use of the time available to me and add on to my skills. So, I would appreciate if you or anyone else can tell me about different sets of skill I can learn. I have programming experience in COBOL, DB2, CICS, other Mainframe utilities, knowledge of Project management and passed SCJP.
Thanks, once again.
21 years ago
I am an experienced Mainframe professional with over 9 years in the industry. I passed SCJP exam in june 2000 with the hope to use my COBOL experience and my newly acquired java knowledge to further my career. I was however unsuccessful and have been out of the industry since 1999 for personal reasons.
Since I've been out of the industry for a while, I'm wondering if my skill sets are adequate in the present market conditions. Could someone advice me on the skill sets I may need to acquire to be in a position to work from home on a part time basis.
21 years ago
Thanks Alysia. I prefer working from Atlanta.
24 years ago
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the information you have provided. I greatly appreciate it.
24 years ago
I am a Sun certified Java 2 Programmer. I have Masters in Operational Research with a total experience of over 8 years in the software industry. Experienced in application analysis, design, development, implementation and maintenance. I am looking for job opportunities in NorthEast Atlanta area.
OS : MVS/ESA, Unix System V, SCO Unix, Xenix, MS-DOS
Languages : JAVA, COBOL, CICS, dBASE
Special S/W: MS PROJECT 4.0, All MVS utility s/w.
All help is appreciated.Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Suma Narayan.
24 years ago
udyan,Lkanthg, lynda, Manish. Thank you all for your best wishes.
My Best Wishes
I took almost all free mock exams listed here except khalid's.

[This message has been edited by Suma Narayan (edited July 12, 2000).]
Thanks Yojana, csr, satya, vivek, david, aparanji and ppathak.
My Best Wishes to you all.
Congratulations Gajanan.
Best Wishes.
Congratulations!! Jayakumar
Best wishes
Thanks Harry. I live in Atlanta, GA. I have sent you an email.
I hope you have received it.
Hi Lisa and Mohan,
Thanks for your kind wishes. I appreciate it. As mentioned in my forum(Passed SCJP), I am basically a COBOL, DB2 and CICS person. So, right now I am looking for a job where I can use my old experience and recently acquired knowelge of JAVA. Hopefully, I will succeed.
Regarding the exam, there is no ambiguity. The instructions are very clear. So, you need not worry. As far as semicolon and quotes are concerned, I did not use them. In fact, the questions were so clear that I could decide not to use them. So, read the instructions carefully and follow them.
My Best Wishes
Please see this for some suggestions. I hope this helps you.
Hi David,
RHE is "JAVA 2 Certification Study Guide" by Simon Roberts, Phillip Heller & Michael Ernest". This is one of the certification book which is highly recommended.
Yes, you are right, it is more of a habit. I will sure stick around.

Best Wishes
[This message has been edited by Suma Narayan (edited June 27, 2000).]
surya, Shiny, Mohan and nm,
Thanks for your best wishes.
Thanks for your encouragement. I do enjoy programming in JAVA as it is different from what I have been doing for years.
The most important tip is that you first get your concepts clear by reading a JAVA book and then read RHE in detail. There are lot of important points, tips and warning hidden in this book. Don't miss them. Keep visiting this site regularly and use the search facility. You will get many forums on different topics. If you are in doubt about any concept then I suggest you write a program and test it. This way the concepts become crystal clear.
My Best wishes to you
The socket and media tracker questions were in relation to the topics mentioned in Objectives. I hope this helps you. I am sorry I can't discuss the real exam question as it would go against the rules of Java Ranch. Regarding books I read, it was only RHE and no Boone or Khalid.
Best wishes.
Hi folks,
Today I passed SCJP with 83%. My sincere thanks to everyone here, all moderators, ranch hand, greenhorn and unregistered. This site is wonderful. It is very well developed and maintained.
The Exam overall tests your concepts. It covers all objectives. I don't exactly remember the breakup, but there was 1 question on Gridbag, 1 on socket and Media Tracker.
Concerning my score, I am neither excited nor unhappy about my performance. After reviewing,I was confident of getting somewhere in 90's. But Alas!! Only 83%. Anyway, I am happy that I managed to obtain 83% even though I studied for 2 months and having no background in OOPS or C++, whatsoever. I am basically a COBOL, CICS and DB2 person. Around April, I decided to learn a new language and that's how I began learning and preparing for the exam. I studied "Begining JAVA2" by Ivon Horton to build up my concepts and then I studied RHE . I took lot of mock exams.
My best wishes to everyone preparing for the exam.

[This message has been edited by Suma Narayan (edited June 26, 2000).]
Congratulations!!! shiny. That's great score.
Best Wishes.