Hi folks,
Today I passed SCJP with 83%. My sincere thanks to everyone here, all moderators, ranch hand, greenhorn and unregistered. This site is wonderful. It is very well developed and maintained.
The Exam overall tests your concepts. It covers all objectives. I don't exactly remember the breakup, but there was 1 question on Gridbag, 1 on socket and Media Tracker.
Concerning my score, I am neither excited nor unhappy about my performance. After reviewing,I was confident of getting somewhere in 90's. But Alas!! Only 83%. Anyway, I am happy that I managed to obtain 83% even though I studied for 2 months and having no background in OOPS or C++, whatsoever. I am basically a COBOL, CICS and DB2 person. Around April, I decided to learn a new language and that's how I began learning and preparing for the exam. I studied "Begining JAVA2" by Ivon Horton to build up my concepts and then I studied RHE . I took lot of mock exams.
My best wishes to everyone preparing for the exam.
[This message has been edited by Suma Narayan (edited June 26, 2000).]