Ginnakunta Laxmi Narayan

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since Jun 16, 2004
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Recent posts by Ginnakunta Laxmi Narayan

I'm trying to figure out how to get the time zone information from an
oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ object. According to Oracle's Javadocs, the
getBytes() method returns an array of 13 bytes, the last two of which
specify the time zone -- but all it has to say about *how* the time
zone is represented in those two bytes is "The timezone information is
stored as an offset in the RegionID format or in the HOUR/MINUTE
format". No mention what RegionID format is.

Looking at the TIMESTAMPTZ object returned by the query "select
current_timestamp from dual", casting the ResultSet to OracleResultSet,
and calling getTIMESTAMPTZ(), I got the value 5436 (or 153C hex, with
15 being at index 11 and 3C at index 12 in the byte array). This value
does not look like it's hours/minutes, so I assume it's a RegionID.
BTW, I am in the Central European Time Zone (Netherlands/Amsterdam),
which is UTC+0100.

I don't know how to convert this RegionID value to a time zone ID as
recognized by the Java TimeZone class. And, the only way I have come up
with so far for getting any timezone information at all from
TIMESTAMPTZ is to call timestampValue(), and then use the
getTimezoneOffset() method on the java.sql.Timestamp object. There are
two things wrong with that approach: getTimezoneOffset() is a
deprecated method, and: the value it returns is just an offset in
minutes, not a timezone ID, so I wouldn't be able to distinguish
between CET and any number of African time zones, for instance.

Thanks for any insights or pointers!

- Narayan
I want to install SAP Net Weaver in my Laptop.
Can anyone tell me minimum system requierments to install the software
19 years ago
hi all!
i'm wotking on a browser based application. whenever i open a dialog using showModalDialog, its title bar appear with the dialog. and text appear on the title bar "microsoft internet explorer". i wanted to remove the title bar or text on the title bar.
Can it possible , if yes plz help me to solve this problem .

Take Care and Best wishes

19 years ago
I am having web service running on IIS server, I want to access the webservice running on IIS server through Apache.

Please let me know how to access webservice running on IIS using Apache

19 years ago
Application installed on Linux environment.

I got the list screen displaying 100 records. I am selecting all the records using "select all" option and trying to update all the records to the database.

The problem is when i am trying to update 100 records it is not updating in the database. But when i select 10 records it is updating perfectly.

When i installed my application on windows it is working prefectly in both the cases.

Can anyone help me is there any restriction of data to pass to the server in browser in linux environment.

Thanks in advance

19 years ago
The Progress bar does not go away, even when the application is not doing anything.

The progress bar in the bottom continues forever, makes the application is doing something and the user keeps waiting for nothing.

Please help me in solving the above problem.

19 years ago
Thanks Paul...i will go through the classes
20 years ago
Can i generate multiple sheets in the same excel file using POI.

Please help me.

20 years ago
Can i generate multiple sheets in the same excel file using POI.

Please help me.

Thanks for the Information,

I found an open source (spellerpages) in source Forge. I configured the source in tomcat, when i run the application in IE it is giving php error.

Do you have any idea, how to run php in IE or convert php to jsp?
20 years ago
Thanks Eric,

Can you tell me is there any other alternative using java/javascript
instead of using ms-word
20 years ago
I got a JSP page having textarea and a button. I need to spellcheck the content entered in the JSP file - textarea.

Currently, when i click on the button i am invoking MS-word and performing the spellcheck.

I am having a problem in the above process. When it is trying to open MS-word in the client machine it is displaying an alert with yes/no.

If i entered the server url in the trusted sites, iam not getting the alert.

I don't want to specify the url in the browser settings.

Please let me know how to stop the alert message without setting the browser options.


Please let me the other possible way for spell check
20 years ago
In my project, i got two frames on the browser. When i click a link on the left navigation menu, details displayed on the right menu and status below the left corner of the browser is "Done". But i observed a blue scroll bar appears still scrolling.

Can any one help me how to stop the scroll bar not scrolling at the bottom, once request is Done.
20 years ago
I opened a browser, logged into the system using my login screen. At the time of login i stored the user information in a session object.

Then i opened another browser, open the login screen type the same user id and password and submitted the screen. i logged into the system successfully.

My problem is i want to tell the user that u have already logged into the system using session object stored in browser 1.

Thanks in advance

The WebSphere Application Server 5.0 Administration Console is a Struts-based application that works with Java2 Security enabled. Make sure that you are modifying the was.policy file in the META-INF directory of the EAR file of your application. If you have already installed the application and you are modifying the policy file, make sure you modify the right copy of the was.policy file.
On installation of an application, WebSphere makes a copy of all of the metadata files in the EAR into the /config/cells//applications/.ear/deployments/ folder. Therefore, the copy of the policy file that is actually read by the server is the following: /config/cells//applications/.ear/deployments//META-INF/was.policy. Make sure this is the copy that you are modifying.
Of course, if you reinstall the application with a new policy file, things will work correctly as well.
20 years ago