Hey there...sorry you are having issues with JSF. Personally, I started coding JSF when it was in beta mode on the Sun Java Application Server...and it was great! I really have only used JBOSS a few times, and more recently I've begun investigating and reading up on the JBOSS Seam framework.
Enough said with my history...if you want to use JBOSS, I would recommend downloading the SEAM framework and giving it a try. There are some very simplistic examples, including a Hello World that you can try. As long as you follow the directions on building and deploying, they should work fine on your JBOSS server. They work fine for me.
I would also recommend checking out the Sun Java Application Server, or even Glassfish, to begin developing JSF apps. Most of the tutorials from Sun use this server, and it is really straight forward.
Don't give up on JSF...it is the most powerful Java web application framework from my perspective. There are plenty of good ones out there, but this one has it all. Even further, if you want to really exploit JSF then you should look at facelets and seam as well.
https://facelets.dev.java.net/ Hope this helps..