Jared Sprague

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since Jun 16, 2004
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Recent posts by Jared Sprague

This is what I did to prepare:
1. Read the Headfirst Servlets & JSP book from front to back in detail over the course of 2 months, and did all the excercises and mock exams.
2. Did a quick review of every chapter in the same book during the two days leading up to the exam.
3. Glanced very briefly at parts of the servlet and jsp specs that need more explaination.

And thats it! I got a 78% on the final Mock exam in the HFSJ book the night before I took the exam and that gave me confidence that I could pass.

My Advice:
If all you want to do is pass the exam with a decent score, studing only the HFSJ book is more than enough. As long as you read every chapter and do all the exercises and mock exams, you will be fine. If you want an exceptional score in the 90-100% range you'll need to study other sources also.

I'm very exited that I passed the exam because I've had an unopend copy of Half-Life2 sitting on my desk for the past month that I promised myself that I wouldnt open or play until I passed the exam. And for anyone who was looking forward to that game as much as I have knows how hard that was.... I'm installing it as I type

Thanks to all you ranchers! And The Headfirst crew!
- Jared Sprague

[ December 20, 2004: Message edited by: Jared Sprague ]
I'm having a problem using the junitreport task in Eclipse. It works fine when I run my build from the command line, but when I try to run it in Eclipse I get this error:
[junitreport] jar:file:/C:/Projects/JavaDev/tools/apache-ant-1.6.2/lib/ant-junit.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit/xsl/junit-frames.xsl; Line 51; Column 64; javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: redirect

Any ideas what might be causing this error when running Ant in Eclipse?
Thanks for the tips!
Doesnt the use of the Front Controller design pattern eliminate the possibility of using declarative security? Since with the Front Controller you have one centrailized access servlet into your webapp, all users only request a single web resource, so you cant put constraints on it. Are you forced to use programmatic security if you use a Front Controller?
[ December 13, 2004: Message edited by: Jared Sprague ]
What is the rule for when to use an attribute or when to use the body of the tag.
For example in what case would you want to use this:
<user name="bob" />

And when would you use this:

I'm just wondering how you decide which is more appropriate.

Thank you!
My last post was a rhetorical question, because I already know the answer.
The methods that you can call are based on the REFERENCE type not the object that is instantiated. And because of this I don't believe that this code sample from the book on page 360 can work, because it would involve calling setEmpID() on Person. Can anyone prove me wrong?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if setEmpID() is only defined in the Employee class and not the parent Person class then this should not work:

This won't complie because setEmpID() is not defined in Person, right?

[ November 30, 2004: Message edited by: Jared Sprague ]
[ November 30, 2004: Message edited by: Jared Sprague ]
I have a question on page 360 of HFSJ.
The question is regarding this code:


I understand that this is supose to iterate over the beans properties and find any matches and set them to the value of the matching request parameter, but I don't see how this can work because somewhere the traslated code is going to try and set the empID on a Person type reference which wont work because setEmpID() is not defined in the Person type. Can anyone explain this to me?
Thank you!
[ November 29, 2004: Message edited by: Jared Sprague ]
I'm starting a medium sized project of reimplementing my coldFusion store using only java frameworks. My store is: www.capoeiragear.com
I'm trying to select a development process that will work well for a solo developer working from home during the evenings and weekends. I may not even need a process for this kind of thing, but it would be nice to have a structured approch for analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, etc.. So my question is does anyone have any suggestions of a process that would be a good fit for a solo developer with no interaction between teams, or have any ideas of how to adapt an existing process to fit my needs? What if any process do you use when you work on solo projects from home?
I'd love to hear any ideas.

Jared Sprague

[ August 05, 2004: Message edited by: Jared Sprague ]

[ August 05, 2004: Message edited by: Jared Sprague ]
[ August 05, 2004: Message edited by: Jared Sprague ]
Yes! I'm so happy I completed this first step.
I attibute passing to reading the Sierra/Bates SCJP book since this was the only source I used. Well and playing Rules Roundup too
19 years ago
I'm not sure if there is something already out there that will do what you want, but it would be really easy to use java.util.regex to create some simple regular expressions to remove tags from a file.
19 years ago
I'm not sure if there is something already out there that will do what you want, but it would be really easy to use java.util.regex to create some simple regular expressions to remove tags from a file.
19 years ago
The other nice thing about Java not having pointers is that you dont have to explicitly allocate and deallocate memory on the heap. You can let the garbage collector free memory used by objects with no refrence to them.
19 years ago
TopCoder www.topcoder.com devides their ranking system into categories, and Algorithims has it's own category. This just illistrates the point that you can be a wiz at solving problems using algorithims and not be an expert programmer.
19 years ago