Morgan Subram

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since Jan 03, 2001
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public class test1 implements Runnable
public static int j = 0;
public void run()
try {
j = 10;
} catch (InterruptedException e)
j = 8;
public static void main(String arg[])
test1 test=new test1();
Thread t = new Thread(test);
try{t.join();}catch(InterruptedException e ){}
String s1,s2,s3,s4;
s1 = "Hello"; //Object Created
s2 = s1;
s3 = s2 + "Pal"; //Two Objects Created --StringBuffer and append
s4 = s3;
So the answer is three

public class ConsTest{
public ConsTest(){
int i=0;
int j=3;
public static void main(String args[]){ConsTest t=new ConsTest();}
This compiles and runs perfectly
Java specifications says that a constructor body can have
a return statement but the return statement should not
have a expression
Can anybody explain then what is the purpose of
a return statement at all in a constructor body
public class TestThis{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println(1 + 2 + "Strange");
System.out.println("Strange" + 1 + 2);
After compiling this
when you run this
The first output is 3Strange
why is the second output Strange12 rather than Strange3 ?
Try this
public class inter1{
public static void main(String argv[]){
inter1 mi = new inter1();
boolean b=true;
if(b!=false){ // Changed Here
System.out.println("The value of b is"+b);

This will work and this further clarifies things
public class ClassTest{

public static class Inner{
public void good() {
int i=0;
private static class InnerInner{
private static class InnerInnerInner {
private static void k() {
System.out.println("In InnerInnerInner static method");



public static void main(String [ ] argc){
ClassTest.Inner.InnerInner.InnerInnerInner c= new ClassTest.Inner.InnerInner.InnerInnerInner();
Consider this piece of code and you will agree
public class ClassTest{

public static class Inner{
public void good() {
int i=0;
private static class InnerInner{
private static class InnerInnerInner {
private static void k() {
System.out.println("In InnerInnerInner static method");



public static void main(String [ ] argc){
ClassTest.Inner.InnerInner.InnerInnerInner c= new ClassTest.Inner.InnerInner.InnerInnerInner();
This works
public class ClassTest{

public static class Inner{
public void good() {
int i=0;
private static class InnerInner{
private static class InnerInnerInner {
private static void k() {
System.out.println("In InnerInnerInner static method");



public static void main(String [ ] argc){
ClassTest.Inner.InnerInner.InnerInnerInner c= new ClassTest.Inner.InnerInner.InnerInnerInner();
This piece of code works..

Some of the familiar Unchecked Exceptions are
But Strangely NumberFormatException is a UncheckedException
Hi Peter,
I wish to correct method setName should have void as return type
class Person {
private String Name;
public void setName(String Name)
this.Name = Name;
24 years ago
Let us consider two cases here
Case 1:

Case 2 :

In Case 1 there is no concurrency
While in Case 2 Concurrency exists
Hope this makes it clear
I have added the [ code] [ /code] UBB tags to your code. I hope you don't mind. It is recommended you use these tags when writing code. ]
[This message has been edited by Rahul Mahindrakar (edited January 15, 2001).]