vijaya dev

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since Jun 22, 2004
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Recent posts by vijaya dev

I was wondering if any one knows when the SCBCD exam will be upgraded to include J2EE 1.4. I want to take the exam probably next year.

Congrats!!..What next?
20 years ago
Very good score Tobin, Congrats. What next?
Hi everyone,
I just passed my SCJP today and I wanted to go for the next certification. I dont have much experience in servlet or EJB. Worked on some school projects and thats it. Should I go for SCBCD or SCWCD?. For SCBCD do I need to have fundamental knowledge on servlets and JSP (ie) do I need to do SCWCD and and then go for SCBCD?
Can anyone please throw some light on this.

Many thanks to Java Ranch for the wonderful support. This is the best forum ever. I passed SCJP with 72%. I know its not a good score. But atleast I am happy to be java certified.

K&B is the only book I used. Its a wonderful and interesting book for taking SCJP exam. The authors did a wonderful job and the exam tips were catching. I used Dans and marcus's mock exams. As Dan specifies the mock exams should be used as a work book. This should probably be used while studying each chapter . I got around 50-60% in his mock exams. But it was really helpful. Thanks a lot Dan. As I had less time I coulnt go through it again. Coreys blogs were also helpful. He made the concepts more clearer and easy to understand. Continue with ur good job, corey. Marcus Green exams were indeed closer to real exam. And couple of days before I went into JDiscuss website and they have some mock exams too.
As I didnt have much time I had to take the exam without taking more mock exams. I should have done that to get a better score. Anyway thanks a lot to everyone.

[ August 31, 2004: Message edited by: vijaya dev ]
20 years ago
This Question is taken from K&B mock exam

Question: How many objects are eligible for Garbage collection after line 6.

The answer is 1. It says the only object without a reference is the one instantiated in line 4

My question is though the reference variable x2 is assigned to a different object in line 6. We still have the object at line 11 referenced by mx. How does that object becomes eligible for GC?

[ August 26, 2004: Message edited by: vijaya dev ]
I have basic question in overloading constructors. Why do I need to create a default constructor in Basedemo. I have a call to default super constructor(super) in one argument Basedemo constructor. Shouldn't super() call the super default constructor?. Why do i need to create a no arg constructor?
If I didnt create default no arg constructor as given in the code below, it gives compiler error.

[ August 26, 2004: Message edited by: vijaya dev ]
[ August 26, 2004: Message edited by: vijaya dev ]
I am working on K&B mock exam and taking 20 questions per day. But I get some of the questions repeated every day. Is anyone aware of a way to stop the repetition of the questions.
Thats a good explanation, Ken Weller. Thanks
Congrats on your very good score.
20 years ago
Hello All,
Do we need to know all the methods thats present in string and string buffer. Also will there be any questions that make us identify the method present in string and not present in stringbuffer and vice versa.

Hello All,
I have been taking Dans Mock exam and I am halfway through it. I find the mock exams are difficult and in some sections I hardly get half of the questions right. Does any one have had this problem. I have my exams in 11 days. Can I proceed with the rest of the chapters and take marcus green exam and judge myself with the score I get there or do I postpond the date. I am in dilemma here and I am unable to decide what I need to do.
I appreciate any help provided.