Nicky McGrath

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since Jun 24, 2004
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Recent posts by Nicky McGrath

So the real question is:
If you have a Header with multiple values (as occurs after multiple calls to addHeader),
does setHeader replace ALL the existing values.

Good question.
I just read the same questions in the chapter and the one which I wasn't sure about was:

8) User makes a radio button selection

Selecting the radio button itself does not cause a form submission so if I saw this in an exam, I would be concerned it was a trick question (although yes, technically there are no trick questions).

If worded as:

8) User makes a radio button selection then submits the form/page

Then a GET or POST method could be used. A POST is likely to be the most appropriate.

Sorry to raise an already much debated subject again......

Everyone seems to be suggesting the 1.4 exam is better. The feedback I am getting from my colleagues is that the additonal topics added to the 1.4 exam are not particularly useful/widely used in the industry (I can't comment, they're new to me). Their advice seems to be to stick with the 1.3 exam as it covers everything that's relevant.

Would anyone agree with this or is the absolute consensus to always go for the 1.4 exam?

Do employers have a preference or even care?

I'm just starting revision so I'm guessing I could start studying for 1.3 first of all and add the topics for 1.4 later if need be.....

Would be really interested to hear further thoughts on this topic.

Many thanks.
