M Burke

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since Jun 25, 2004
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Recent posts by M Burke

I will take a look at the lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml It's not something I have dealt with before. I assume it handles the Maven lifecycle. Perhaps I need to move some things around, yes?

OT, but I am not a big fan of Maven. I like the intuitive Eclipse and earlier VC++ tools used to create builds. Maven reminds me of when we used Make files in the 90's.
1 year ago
Not sure where to post this, but since it is a Java project I thought I would put here.

I had this old app dropped in lap and I have to get it compiled in my Eclipse IDE. I am getting the following error regarding the AspectJ plugin. I know it suggests the lifecycle management is wrong. But it used to work. I am not sure how to fix it. Any ideas?

on the   <execution> tag
"Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.10:compile (execution: default, phase: compile)"

1 year ago
I have a question regarding the com.google.api.client Java API.  But I can't find a forum to ask the question. Anyone know of one? FYI, setting up and accessing security is a huge pain  
2 years ago
I am stuck at Java 1.7 at my job because any new projects are done in JavaScript and node. But as far as I know, Java is not dead. So I want to upgrade my skills. Any tips and resources?
2 years ago
The app is using Piketlink security framework. The servlet is part of a standard mvc architecture. There is no error logged. I see the 401 in the browser dev tools
2 years ago
My program uses basic authentication. When the web page makes an ajax-based request to the security servlet getUserPrincipal returns null. But here is the twist. It only returns null on my local laptop connected via VPM. If I use the remote application test server environment  on the company LAN the servlet finds the value for getUserPrincipal. Also, another developer on my team does not get this error from his Laptop. But he is in India and I am in the US.

What should I look for?  Is it a network permissions issue? I'm using jee JBoss 6.2 and Java 8.
2 years ago
I do have one more question. Do I need these statements?


3 years ago

Jesse Silverman wrote:

M Burke wrote:...

Yes Jesse, that worked. Thank you. I am on Java 7

Yikes!!  I wouldn't recommend going to JODA date/time just to avoid Calendar/Date then, tho some would.

For curiosity's sake, since a lot of people like saying at Conferences, "I think we can ALL agree everyone is using at least Java 8, now" with a grin, do you have specific dependencies blocking you from Java 8 or just "Time, time!"??  I've been working to make Java 11 my "new normal" before Java 17 comes crashing down on us...

The app is 10 years old and runs on JBoss 6. Companies do keep apps for a long time. They are expensive and if the app is not broken they don't feel compelled to replace it.
3 years ago

Jesse Silverman wrote:Tho attempting to avoid Calendar in all new code I write, I note the following from SimpleDateFormat JavaDocs:

H Hour in day (0-23) Number 0
k Hour in day (1-24) Number 24
K Hour in am/pm (0-11) Number 0
h Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number 12

Do you see what I see?
Would changing to:
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" help cure what is ailing you?

Yes Jesse, that worked. Thank you. I am on Java 7
3 years ago
My program gets a string that is already in UTC format. I need to convert it to a calendar object so I can compare it to the server time. I then compare the two in milliseconds and they are way off. But not all the time. Only when the server time passes 12:00.

Since the input string is already in UTC format, I expect the same value to be printed by the Calendar object. But it doesn't.

Sample input:
2021-09-01 12:11:10

The output looks like this
Sep 01 00:11:10 UTC 2021

3 years ago
Well, I got it working. I added a plugin to the pom. When I look at the compiled jar there are no entries in the manifest. I downloaded the Jackson libs and added then to the class path earlier.

I am not sure why this worked.

5 years ago
Is is possible to include the library in the compiled jar? It would be good if this thing will run stand alone.
5 years ago
Hi, I am having trouble with a runnable jar not finding an external library. The library is Jackson. It's in my pom file so it compiles. But when I go to run the jar it gives me a "cannot be found" error. How do I make the library visible to the jar?
5 years ago
I am a bit confused by the responses.

I will try to give an example. For the Java Map interface, there are several choices. HashMap, HashBitMap, ArrayLIstMiltimap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap. There are also thread safe versions. So in a short list, I need a description of each one and be able to compare and contrast them to decide which is the best to use in a given situation.

5 years ago
Is there a source out on the Web that lists the similarities, differences and best practices for collection classes? Like, TreeMap vs. HashMap and when best to use.
6 years ago