Mahesh Eshwarappa

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since Jan 04, 2001
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Recent posts by Mahesh Eshwarappa

If u r sure of the place u r going to work in and get a good salary package and a written agreement that u will be paid the promised salary for a year. If u r employer agrees to this then come over. Its not worth taking a risk at this time.
23 years ago
We have hosted an internet application lately. We have run into session problems. THe session of one user(client) is getting transferred to some other user(client).
Iam setting the session in the first page with an user id saying session.put(userid,somevalue)
And i check in each page whether this is the correct value.
Somehow the session id of one user is getting transferred to 2 to 3 users. Websphere is our JSP server.
Can anybody help on this....
23 years ago

WE r having problems in maintaining sessions in websphere.
During a multi user test of our software on the internet we noticed that the session of one user was getting transferred to the other user. We are maintaining a session variable which will be accessed in each page to return the user a user specific information Now that the session id itself is getting changed somewhere.
If anybody has worked on a similar problem Please do get in touch.

23 years ago
This is the error I got when I try to execute the client code.
The client was unable to lookup the EJBHome. Please make sure
that you have deployed the ejb with the JNDI name statelessSession.TraderHome on
the WebLogic server at
The EJB is succcessfully deplyed . I edited the weblogic props file. But am unable to access this EJB.
Can anyone pls tell me where I may be going wrong.
Thanks in advance,
Is there any way in Javascript to collapse the frame width to zero.

Thanks for u r reply.
I was so dumb trying to figure out how to throw exception.
23 years ago

Hi all,
How can we throw an exception from an erroneous JSP to error page.
Am using the page directive <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" %>
in each page.
But I don't know how to throw an exception in case any exception is raised.
For ex:
String s[] = getNamesFromList();
Say this raises an exception then how do i catch the same and throw it .
Your suggestions are welcome.

23 years ago

In the properties file of the JSP server u can mention the classpath for the jar files which u will be using. You can type the location of u r jar file in the classpath.

Originally posted by Gopi Krishna:
I am importing a package in my jsp page. All imported packages are in a jar file. Where should I place this jar file inorder to view by my jsp page.
Thanks for your valuable time

23 years ago

The Jsp is not able to locate the class file.
Check the class path in the properties file.
Copy the class file to the appropriate directory.
It should work.

Originally posted by rishi anand:
can anybody help me when i am using any bean in my jsp script i am getting an error of class not found.
caLocation: /netrishi/wordpro.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPC:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\work\localhost_8080%2Fnetrishi\ Class SpellCheck not found.
SpellCheck help = null;
C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\work\localhost_8080%2Fnetrishi\ Class SpellCheck not found.
help= (SpellCheck)
C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\work\localhost_8080%2Fnetrishi\ Class SpellCheck not found.
help = (SpellCheck) Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "SpellCheck");
please help me.

23 years ago
Am sorry,

Its <%@ page buffer="14kb"%>
23 years ago
You can try this out and check if it works in u r JSP.
<% page buffer="14kb"%>

You can change the buffering size for a Jsp.Default is 8kb.
I haven't tried.
Give it a try

Originally posted by Shankar Ganesh:
[B]I have a JSP which access a big collection (it has about 250 objects, containing 2 Strings attributes each). After this collection, the JSP accesses few other collections (very small ones).
I get the below Buffer error while trying to access these small collections at the end of the page.

23 years ago

Download Tomcat from sun website. (Strongly recommended)
Tomcat includes Jsp1.1

Originally posted by swati maken:
to work on jsp i have downloaded jswdk and when i tried to start my server the dos windows opens up and quickly vanished away. I am not able to understand the problem , I have already set the classpath , but i am not able to catch the problem. Pl. can anybody tell me the right procedure to begin i.e to create the environment for start righting the jsp code . I have also tried using tomcat but that also didn't work out.
Pl. tell me from scratch - exactly what all is needed to download or install and how to configure the same.
I am just getting frustrated as i think half of our time is waisted on setting/creating the environment to work on.
Please help me out.


23 years ago

Thanx Joe for u r opinion.
23 years ago
Hey Joe,
At present we r using Weblogic itself as the Webserver.
Each Jsp page is calling a bean class
which in turn calls the database tables for the presentation of the data. And each data set is being fetched depending on who the user is?
This is my frame source HTML
<frameset rows="43,*,20" border="0">
<frame name="toolbar" src="/html/toolbar.htm" border="0" scrolling=no>
<frameset cols="20%,*" border="0">
<frame name="tree" target="fracontent" src="/html/blank.htm" STYLE="border-right: solid #6699cc 8px; border-top: solid #003366 1px;" SCROLLING="auto" TOPMARGIN="0" LEFTMARGIN="3pt" MARGINHEIGHT="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0" >

<frame name="fraContent" target="" src="/html/tab.htm" STYLE="border-left: groove #99ccff 2px; border-top: solid #003366 1px;" FRAMEBORDER="no" BORDER="0" BORDERCOLOR="#6699CC" scrolling=no >

<frame name="footnotes" src="/html/blank.htm" border="0" scrolling=no >
<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
The Tab.htm internally has a floating frame which loads the first Jsp in the fraContent main frame at the center.
The first jsp in turn loads the second Jsp as a footer in footnotes frame
The second Jsp in turn loads the 3rd Jsp on the left hand side Its basically a tree structure for a user.

The main page looks like this
Top frame Htm
* *
* TREE *
* JSP *
* * Main JSP
* *
* *
* *
* *
* Footer JSP
23 years ago
Hi Joe,
I was loading the JSPs in a similar code which u have mentioned. But I got an exception which said "COncurrent Modification exception" . when 2 frames loaded at a time.
I then tried loading one frame at a time and serialized It worked. But I feel there should be some way at the server end in which u can serialize the Jsp's. I have wasted a good amount of time on how to do this.
All the inputs from u guys is precious to me.

Originally posted by Joe Paolangeli:
[B]I think you are complicating the task with this javascript and serialization stuff. You do not need anything fancy to load a JSP into a frame. Here is some sample html code:

Good Luck,

23 years ago