Pawel Veselov

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HTTP Connections are reusable. If the 'Connection:keep-alive' header is set,
server will not close the connection after returning the request (if compliant).

However, it doesn't look like in MIDP (nor, IMHO, J2SE), you can create a HTTP Connection object that can be reused. So it looks like you have to have your own HTTP connection object implemented to achieve what you need. If you don't expect fancy headrs, like continuation, and redirections, this may be somewhat easy to do, however, parsing the chunked data streams is somewhat cumbersome. The idea would be to have a connection pool (like MIDP does), but don't remove the connections when a response is completely read (like MIDP does too).
19 years ago
Strings is probably what you can use, as they may contain all kinds of characters, and may contain [almost] unlimited amount of those.

Passing resultsets from applet to servlet wouldn't be of much sense, as ResultSet object is a database object, and is associated with connection and statement that produced it. Even if one manages to deserialize it, which itself may not work, if the drivers are different, calling methods on such a resultset will most likely result in database related exceptions, as the original connection is not available.

I would a bit disagree with Bear, as there are times when there is a good reason to keep resultset opened indefinetely, for example if a table is being read consequitively, and rescanning the table from top every time is too expensive.
19 years ago
Reading the class files produced by 1.5, I noticed that since 1.5 it's now okay to use arrays class types when calling methods on arrays. In 1.4, and earlier, calling Object[].toString() would create a invokemethod instruction with class_index pointing to 'java.lang.Object', but in 1.5 it would actually point to '[Ljava.lang.Object;'. Was there any [known] reason to change this, given that the methods for the array objects can still not be overridden ?

Thanks !
19 years ago

The SMTP protocol doesn't really use values of To, Cc or any other headers, to determine recipients of the message. When MUA offers an UI to specify the recipients, it merely uses To, Cc, and other fields for both purposes of specifying the values of the corresponding headers, and the destination addresses of the message. JavaMail is merely a MUA (from this point of view). This flaw is greately used by spammers, as you've most likely observed.

There are two ways you can achieve what you need. First, do not set the 'To' header, and use 'Bcc' instead (RecipientType.BCC). That, however, would only result in having NO destination address specified (most likely an MTA will rewrite the 'To' header's value to '; undisclosed recipients'.

Another way, is to set 'To' field in the outgoing message to what you want to be in the header, and then use Transport.send(Message, Address[]) method to deliver the message. In this case, values of the delivery fields in the header (To, Cc, Bcc) will be ignored.

I think that, to be fair, you need to measure prepared statement being prepared (prepareStatement()) and executed (executeUpdate()).

Oracle does have distinct server side operations for 'compile', 'execute' and 'fetch'. In case of prepared statement, the 'compile' portion is executed only once. You can set the trace on the session, and check out the log files, that should back up how you used prepared and regular statements, as trace will log the amount of times a query was compiled, executed and fetched.

yeah, talking to the operator is what you need. Also read up about
"Push Proxy Gateways (PPG)". Generally, for a moderate fee of some thousands bucks, you'll get an HTTP call into the server of your choice when a message designated for you is sent by a user. The message will include source information, so then you can send a WAP push (again, if provider allows) or SMS push back to the phone that originated the message. Then the user can download the midlet.
19 years ago

if you're looking for JAVA support for WAP push, than Mark's advice should suffice. Otherwise, your best bet is WURFL (, which is, to my knowledge, the most full and exact phone database, presented as XML file. You then can filter our phones that support Java and those that do not support WAP.
19 years ago
Check this guys out:

I was talking to those guys during latest JavaOne. This is a 6 people company, so writing them an email, or just registering should get you started. The have some open doors through which they advertise and sell midlets.

Talking to them also gave me an impression that average Joe developer has
very little possibilities selling their stuff. Especially to big names that run some significant downloads, as they are not, in general, interested in doing business with a person rather than with a publisher.

Another place that you might want to check out is

They are not involved in selling applications (midlets) in any way. What they do is that they send your midlets to testing houses that will certify those midlets to run on certain phone models. Verified midlets will then have a chance to be displayed on a show case, where they then theoretically can be picked up by an interested party. I don't really know success stories around here at all.
19 years ago
I think you definetely need cgi script, since you're posting.
Or Javascript can go if your form is GET rather than POST. Then the data could be found in URL.
500 means internal server error. Hmm, what's the URL you're trying to use, then ?
24 years ago
I don't quite get what you mean. The graphical information is represented by pixels. And there is no way pixel wide can be less or greater than 1, so it's impossible to draw line from 0.1 to 0.5.
24 years ago
If you mean this small yellow popups that are coming out when you hold a mouse over a certain button for a while ?
Then, catch the mouse-entered event, and if mouse-exited event doesn't occur in a certain amount of time, you pop up the window with some text. When mouse exits, you close the window. To get rid of standart window look&feel, use Window class, not Frame.

With best of best regards, Pawel S. Veselov ( aka Black Angel )
24 years ago
You can read only characters or Strings. Then you should convert them into whatever you want.
You can use class for reading data from stdin or you can use AWT text widgets for it.
24 years ago
Not a Java question. May be belongs to Cattle Drive ?
And please, don't crosspost your messages like this...

With best of best regards, Pawel S. Veselov ( aka Black Angel )
24 years ago
What exactly do you want me to explain ?