<--love the misspelt error message!Unable to add the follwing facets to project WebServiceProject: Dynamic Web Module, Java.
...why get on a 2 wheeler in the first place? ...
...the biggest cause of bike crashes ...is cars turning left in front of you
I think if you believe that bad stuff will happen to you while riding then it just might.
... fact riding carefully could get you in more accidents.
Originally posted by Mani Ram:
Wear a masked helmet...
...I was riding my BWM R90 to a business meeting. I was wearing a white dress shirt....
I am looking for accomodation over the net. My office is in Aldersgate Street.
Can someone please let me know areas which are not far off from this area or areas from where I can easily commute using public transport.
If you fall off, which is far too often, you need leather or some of the new microfiber stuff. Yes, its hot. I dumped my bike at about 130 MPH ~~200kpm. While I was in the hospital, they talked about another guy who had crashed that same day. A bit later, I saw him, covered in road rash head to toe, torn clothes, etc. We talked a bit. I asked "what happened" and he said "hit some gravel on my moped at 20pmh, you?" and I replied "seized at 130", I had two small holes where my leather gloves wore thru. I was wearing racing leathers (I was on a race track). That was all that was wrong, altho I had a really bad headache.
Do you mean 'lane splitting' where you drive up between stopped cars at a light? Its fast, but very dangerous. Its legal in California, but illegal where I live. Be warmed, it really makes the dudes in cars angry. They tend to open car doors in anger.
..Right, you buy a $6K bike that does 150 MPH to save gas?