Sean Gildea

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 01, 2004
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Recent posts by Sean Gildea

I've been tasked with optimizing a very large ant build deployment, however my prior experience with Ant is limited to simple project files. ( There are over 180 build.xml files in the project )

I'm wondering what is the fastest way to come up to speed quickly with Ant. What books, articles, ect are there.

I already found this:
Top 15 Ant Best Practices

Thanks in advance,
Sean G
16 years ago
Hey Everyone,

First of all thank you for taking the time to look at my issue. I'm looking for some general ideas on how to return a timed out user back to the page they were looking at. I already did a search on this forum and couldnt find anything related.

Do I need to use a database persistence method to accomplish this?

Is it possible to get the page name from the request upon session logout and then store that or read that from the login page?

Sean Gildea
17 years ago
got it

19 years ago
Dear Ranchers,

I was wondering if anyone was familiar with a method of retrieving the name of the host server from the request or session.

I need to display it on a JSP page so our testers know which server is running that build.

19 years ago
Sorry but that throws...

"Define tag can contain only one of name attribute, value attribute, or body content"
19 years ago
Hi Marc,

I made a mistake in the struts-config.xml, that fixed it, thanks!

19 years ago
I cannot figure out why my formbean is null. Can someone please take a look at my code and possibly shed some light on what I may be doing wrong?

When I run this, the blogBean object is null with a NPE.

Thanks in advance,
Sean Gildea


19 years ago
What is the best way to check whether a string is uppercase?

I need to convert this string "thisMethodNeedsToBeParsed"
into "this method needs to be parsed"

can anyone think of the fastest / best way to do it?

thanks in advance!
19 years ago

I got an 80/80 on my locking and I believe the main reason was because I chose to check that the record was not deleted before updating. I basically did 2 checks on the record before updating, the first before the wait and the second after it was released from waiting.
[ March 28, 2005: Message edited by: Sean Gildea ]
I am trying to write a LoginCheck.jsp page so that when someone visits any page on my site, it will check this jsp script thru a <jsp:include... to see if the session value "isValid" is set to true, if so, it will let them continue, if not, it directs them to "login.jsp"

But im having troubles writing this script in JSP.

Can someone look at it and let me know what I'm doing wrong?


[ March 14, 2005: Message edited by: Sean Gildea ]
[ March 14, 2005: Message edited by: Sean Gildea ]
19 years ago
I would like to thank everyone here for their help, especially Andrew and Max Habibi's book. I am not sure I lost so many points on the data storage, I read the directions many times and dotted my i's and crossed my t's.

I even implemented the 48 hr rule because I did not want to have to go thru that entire mess.

Test: Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (310-027)
Date Taken: 2005-02-18 06:42:42.653
Registration Number: l70dtt52a2
Site: ma35
Grade: P
Score: 378
Comment: This report shows the total number of points awarded for each section. The maximum number of points is 400, to pass you need a score of 320. Section Summary: Section Max Actual Points Points

General Con: 100 98
Documentation: 70 70
OOD: 30 30
GUI: 40 40
Locking: 80 80
Data Store: 40 20
Network Server: 40 40

Total: 400 378
19 years ago
Hi ranchers,

I was wondering if anyone knew if it usually takes more than 4 weeks to receive the SCJD test results. I took the written exam on Jan 11th and I check

everyday but there is still nothing about my sun java developer certification results.

Can someone give me an email to contact or some advice?

Sean Gildea
For me,

I spent about 200-250 hours on the assignment. However, I was very green. Having basically a college graduate level education in java, basic object oriented design.

I'm still waiting for my submission results but I feel strongly I will pass since I crossed my t's and dotted my i's on any possible deductions or unclear requirements.

I started mid october and finished beginning of january. And spent almost all my free time working on it. I cant say how much I learned, from everyone here and on my own. I really didnt have to read any books besides Max Habibi's bible. There were several online documents I read, some from Javaworld on adapter patterns and lots and lots of posts here, probably 100 threads I read atleast.

I would really recommend this to anyone, I learned the equivalent of about 5 college courses worth of knowledge alone just by doing this myself and I journaled it all on my own website. I'm really proud of myself and I have gained great confidence in my java coding abilities.

Good luck!

I recall a thread specifically saying that NIO was prohibitted or borderline questionable to use so I would suggest you stay clear of using it and stick with the defacto acceptable IO standard for the exam, RandomAccessFile.

Good luck