We have couple of service providers who have exposed their endpoints as grpc and rest.
is it possible to consumer a restful endpoint using grpc client consumer in java->spring boot?
Whats the difference b/w request scope vs prototype scope in terms of a webapplication..where there are 2 beans
1 is request scope
1 is prototype bean...
And both end up being used for the processing...
For x request...x request beans & x prototype beans are created ..so what is the difference between the two..
In our struts action class....we take the inputs from the formbean object and based on the values assign it to a object that represents all input params.
In formbean we have limited form fields but the object representing the input params has more values...
the scope of this object is...limited to the execute method
Request 1) ..some of the values in the object representing request will be populated
Request 2) ..Some value in the inputs is empty but the object representing request (not formbean) is still having the data from the earlier request
Struts version : 1.2 ...doesnt it spawn new threads and hence this object will be created