Daniel Olson

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 05, 2001
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Recent posts by Daniel Olson

I think automating the log or semi-automating it does not have to be very difficult. I bailed out last time because it seemed to me that the project was getting unnecessarily big and complicated. Also I had the idea it was a project for the students in the Cattle Drive, but before anything could be done all the experts were being called in and I didn't feel like I had much to contribute as a Java newbie.
There are quite a few more students now who have graduated from elementary school. I think since the log is for the benefit of the Cattle Drive students, it should be primarily written by the us even if looks like it was written by newbies.
23 years ago
You are correct, the default-web-app folder or a folder under it is where your html file should go. Are you remembering to put the port number after the server name or the ip address when you type in the url?
23 years ago
If you have access to the server.xml file in the conf folder, you can change the port configuration to whatever port you want.

23 years ago
Here is a link to an article called
Use XSLT to Merge XML Documents http://www.xmlmag.com/upload/free/features/xml/2001/06jun01/rj0103/rj0103.asp
Also there is another article in XML Developers Journal this month or last month that give three different ways to combine documents.
It is interesting reading about everyone's daytime jobs. I taught English and Linguistics at the university for about 12 years.
Now I work as a web developer at a publishing company. I started out doing Active Server Pages, but then we started also using Dynamo, a Java application server. Our company was recently acquired and five days ago the new company announced that they are closing our office.
In August I start working for an investment company doing web development. Right now they don't do much Java, but they may start going more that direction in the future. My future boss is trying to decide whether he wants to do .net or J2EE.
23 years ago
Amber, I may not have understood the assignment correctly, but, even though it says so in the directions, I didn't think we really used sessions until Assignment 5. The way to get the DataPool info is not through a session variable, but by passing it another way.
23 years ago
EJB's! That's good. I need to learn how to use them. I hope you are right, Rashid.
23 years ago
Thanks everyone.
I had to hurry up and graduate from high school because Johannes was starting to catch up to me.
I turned in my first JDBC assignment yesterday. I don't know if there is anything after JDBC.
23 years ago
Wow, 1000 posts. I wonder how many hours that is equivalent to. Some of my posts are quick, like 1 minute and some take a half an hour or more. I think a lot of Marilyn's post take a while because she often has to try to understand what we cattle drivers are trying to ask her. I would guess that represents probably between 50 to 100 hours.
23 years ago
If you are interested here is a thread where we discussed using the ternary operator.
[ February 06, 2003: Message edited by: Marilyn de Queiroz ]
23 years ago
A servlet will interpret a single quote as a marker for the beginning or the end of the string in the textbox. You need to find a way for the servlet to recognize the single quote as just a single quote and not a marker. (I don't know what the technical word is so I am using the word "marker".)
There is a class in com.javaranch.common.* that has a method that is useful for doing this. If you don't want to use that class, there is a class in the regular Java api that has a method that does the same thing.
23 years ago
For Assignment Servlets-2 (Reverse), I put a check in my code too.

Do I have to make the code just neat in the servlet code or also make it neat for the HTML side as well? Or rather, does it matter how the code looks to the user if they view the source to see the HTML code?

The nitpickers might have a different opinion, but I think it is more important that the HTML in the servlet code is neat than what HTML output of the servlet looks like. However, if there are things you need to debug in the HTML output, it is easier to find if it is neat too.
23 years ago
Congratulations, Marilyn!
I didn't have an idea of what the countdown was even though I knew Marilyn got a new job. How did so many people guess.
23 years ago
Assignment: Servlets-4b VideoServlet
Attempt: 1
23 years ago