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since Jan 05, 2001
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Recent posts by ganshre

I want to download this javax.servlet.jsp.tagext package , from where i can get it.
23 years ago
I have created a website, in that i'm having database connectivity. i want to use File DSN. is it possible to use File Dsn in jdbc-odbc connectivity.
i've done a chatting pgm using rmi. when both the server and the client r working in the same machine, it works fine. if i put the client in diff. machine it shows java.lang.SecurityException
: MessageDisgest not found. i've created a policy tool by granting all permissions. but still the same pbm. i'm facing. i'll be thankful if anybody helps me out.
23 years ago
i've done a chatting pgm using rmi. when both the server and the client r working in the same machine, it works fine. if i put the client in diff. machine it shows java.lang.SecurityException
: MessageDisgest not found. i've created a policy tool by granting all permissions. but still the same pbm. i'm facing. i'll be thankful if anybody helps me out.
23 years ago
i want to do inter process communication. ie, to send a contents of a file from one process to another process. which protocol i can use in terms of speed and efficiency ? both processes are running in Vc++. i'll be thankful if anybody replies me.
23 years ago
How to add Scroll bars to JPanel ? If i use JScrollPane , it's not at all working ? if anybody knows the how to do please reply me. thanx.
23 years ago
i'm connecting to the database from Applets. it gives an RuntimeException stating that accessClassPackage.sun.jdbc.odbc
access i've created a policy file by giving RuntimePermission & in the target for accessClassPackage i've given sun.jdbc.odbc but still it's giving the same Exception. Can anybody reply me ?
23 years ago
When a client requests for my servlet, i've to send a html file which is located in Public_html directory of Javawebserver. Other wise I want to send a html file to my client. Can anybody please reply me ?
23 years ago
thank u very much Kalidas. u r saying that Main Thread is not a Daemon thread. how to set a main thread to daemon thread. because whenever u run a pgm the main thread 'll be invoked. but before starting the main thd. how to set it as a daemon thread. can u give me an example for unimportant task.
i am having a Data Source Name in my server(say system1) . I want to connect this DSN from a Client(Say System2). Is it Possible ? if so, Kindly Reply me.
24 years ago
can u tell me what is a Daemon thread and what actually it does ?
Is it Possible to Run a DOS- command in Java, if so please reply me with an example. thank You.
24 years ago