Kruger Brent

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since Jan 05, 2001
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Recent posts by Kruger Brent

I guess you're trying to deploy the service on axis-engine running under Tomcat (as web application). If so, where is the tomcat running (local/remote)? Also, post the error/exception message here.

FYI: By deault, you cannot deploy a service on tomcat running remotely. For this, in <tomcat-home>/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd file, you have to set the parameter "enableRemoteAdmin" to true.

Hope this helps.
18 years ago
Hello there,
sorry to raise this question here! Does any one know whats up with the search option that we had earlier in every forum topic?
By the way, i wanted to add voice chat feature in my existing one to one text-chat (applet)! how can this be done? any idea/suggetion would be a great help.
22 years ago
Hello e'body,
I am using a thread in my applet. The thread gets into sleep(3 min) in its run() and this state of sleeping is interrupted frequently using the interrupt(). This interruption works fine with IE but with netscape when thread.interrupt() is called it does not throw InterruptedException or any Exception. Has anyone got an explanation for this?
Try to put the object in a vector and pass this vector to other applet thru the server. Let the other applet get the required object from the vector and display it. I am using the same technic by sending Point[] object in a vector. It works.
23 years ago
I am intrested in knowing all about pushlets and its performance. Preferably with an example. Does it has any restriction when used across firewalls?
23 years ago
The Observer interface can be used if the message is to be broadcasted to all waiting threads. But in this case, there is one thread to be broadcasted.
23 years ago
Hello all.
I am using applet <---> servlet communication for a chat (one to one) program.
Currently, the applet makes requests every 2 sec. to get new messages. The Servlet on the otherend responds immediately with a message (if any) or responds as a String 'nothing'.
As its clear that there are many useless req - res cycle. To avoid this, I wanted to have the servlet respond a particular request from an applet only when there is a valid message.
Therefore, soon as the request is recieved by the servlet, a method is called where it looks for a new message in a loop.
If the message is found the response is made else Thread.sleep(4000) is used and it's repeated till the condition is matched. Here is the outline....
public void doGet(req,res)......
void checkCondition(Http.. res)
String cond = "nothing";
..... checking for new message
cond = "a new message";
cond = "The End";
......note that I am also using a mechanism to check if the applet is still existing.
Firstly, is it a correct approach? if not, please suggest one.
When I tried as above, the chat program executes, but the server's CPU Usage reaches 100%.
What could be the problem? Is it because the servlet-engine (JRun) tries to forcefully keep the http connection open? I also considered J.Hunter's method of using Observer and Observable interface and class technique (servlet programing, Oreily) but, that does not suit for one to one chat concept as it notifies all the waiting threads when a new message is added.
Any suggestion over this will be of great help to me.

[This message has been edited by Kruger Brent (edited July 24, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Kruger Brent (edited July 25, 2001).]
23 years ago
thanks for the reply. But sending message to server (servlet) is not the problem, the problem is communicating between the frames having their contents from different servers. That is, when an alert message is fired in the frame containing the site, a method of the applet running in an adjacent frame is to be called and this is working fine if the page that is viewed is from the same server to that of the applet, not otherwise.
Hi there,
Is it possible to execute a task whenever an alert message is displayed in the browser? This is with regard to a situation where there is an applet running in an invisible frame, having the responsiblity of storing all the alert messages that is fired to the visitor irrespective of webpage that is being seen.
Meaning that there is a javascript function in the applet's html page which has to be called before display of alert box, passing the alert message as a parameter to the script function which in turn communicates with the applet.
Hi there,
Is it possible to execute a task whenever an alert message is displayed in the browser? This is with regard to a situation where there is an applet running in an invisible frame, having the responsiblity of storing all the alert messages that is fired to the visitor irrespective of webpage that is being seen.
Meaning that there is a javascript function in the applet's html page which has to be called before display of alert box, passing the alert message as a parameter to the script function which in turn communicates with the applet.
23 years ago
Is it possible to have a word of a sentence drawn on canvas, to be hypertext(link)? If yes, how to differentiate the hypertext word from other words when mouse is moved over?
23 years ago
All have advantages and disadvantages. It depends on the environment that the program will run, for example if it is intranet then I would suggest -sockets. If it is internet then I would suggest servlets cause socket connections are not accepted by firewalls by default. I hope this gives you a hint to get started.
23 years ago
[This message has been edited by Kruger Brent (edited January 30, 2001).]
23 years ago
Thanks Rajani. But I dont think we require a thread to be spawned when it is with servlets because it has a built in process to spawn a thread for every client.
Even I hope some experts to disscuss here.
23 years ago