Prem Mallavalli

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since Jul 07, 2004
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How to create bar Graphs in html.
Hi Vijay Vaddem,
First of all thanks a lot for the help. But my next problem is that i'm not able to make my servlets work using the IIS. I'm able to configure both IIS and Tomcat, but what should I do to make my servlets work.

The files I need to access from Tomcat/webapps/prem/WEB-INF/classes/x servlet. This servlet is working fine when run in Tomcat.But i'm not able to access it using IIS. Please help me with this. It would be great if you can give the configuration of the file structure in IIS.

Thanks in advance.

19 years ago
Can anyone please tell what is the step by step procedure to configure IIS with Tomcat so that I can access the Servlets as well as JSP through IIS.
It would be great if you can give this information. The things i've done are as follows.

I've downloaded the isapi_redirect-1.2.8.dll
I'm not able to create ISAPI_Filter in the IIS Management Console.
I really don't know where to put this dll file.

My directory structure is as follows:

So my servlet files are in prem directory which needs to be accessed.

My Tomcat version is 3.2

I put the .dll fine in d:\Tomcat\bin\native folder.

I've even changed the file and the file also as said in the Tomcat IIS HowTo document.

Kindly let me know the entire process.

19 years ago
Hi All,
I wrote a jsp that enables me to convert a resultset into an Excel file on clicking a button. It is coming good in my intranet using LAN. But the same thing when accessed through internet, it is showing me that the page cannot be displayed error page. The lines used are as follows:

response.setContentType("application/; charset=us-ascii");
response.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "7bit");

PrintWriter out1 = new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream());

followed by the code to fetch the results and then followed by


Kindly help me out with this problem.

It is working perfecly when used with in the intranet site.
20 years ago