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since Jan 05, 2001
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Recent posts by Ranjit NATARAJAN

http servlet mainly deals with http protocol implementation and hence when u r using http use this one
generic is for all protocols it does not have specific methods for http like doGet() and doPost() doHead() etc
23 years ago
rs = executeQuery(" ");
do something;
23 years ago
hi all
hi when i typed in the address bar the host name www.eth.net , it automatically changed to www.ddsl.net and the ddsl.net page was opened how is it possible
hi javites,
A webserver can host mutiple websites each with its unique ipaddress; my question is how it can process all the request for different ipaddress at the same port 80. since only one connection can be established in a port.
How much memory does a JVM occupy?
what is the max memory capacity of a JVM?
23 years ago
"java1.1 became component based from java1.0 canvas based", why did this change took place??
23 years ago
"java1.1 became component based from java1.0 canvas based", why did this change took place??
23 years ago