Frederic Filiatrault

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Recent posts by Frederic Filiatrault

Stupid question but would you append to have any javascript on the way blocking the form submission?

Try a sniffer to see if any ajax calls are sent. You would be 100% sure in this case.
14 years ago
Just make a quick test with some javaScript (i.e. alert) to see the result, you should have to answer rapidly!
14 years ago

I'm sure it is a very easy problem but can't find the solution. Any help would be appreciated.

I have a JSF file, using a subview that contains a inputText field:

inside the subview, there's an inputText field :

My managed bean is :

My faces-config.xml file is :
I do see the "test" value appearing on my web page but if I set a breakpoint on "setValue" and change it, I never step into the method (and value is never change).

The ONLY way I found was to set the managed-bean to a scope of Session but I want to keep it as a request session. What the hell I'm missing here?!?
14 years ago
Hi Dylan,

First, thk for your answer. Actually (and don't laugh), I wanted to test something very quickly and simple in JSF so I dl Tomcat and edited manually my JSP files directly in webapps folder.

I then after decided to take 2-3 hours to setup correctly my environment with Eclipse and used a dynamic web project as you just said. Guess what, it worked perfectly. :shocked:

I just said to myself this morning : " Welcome in 2008".

Can't believe I was still editing my JSP files with VI.
[ April 03, 2008: Message edited by: Frederic Filiatrault ]
16 years ago
Nice. Thk for your time on this. Really appreciated
16 years ago
Hi all,

Very simple question. Can you use int as itemValue for selectOneRadio? Or is it only String and we need to convert it?

For example :

Of course, I have my Backing bean ( with a property int choice with getter/setter. ;)

Actually, it throws a misleading validation error saying "Value is not a valid option.". Was would be the best way to fix that? Thk!
16 years ago
Hi Manuel,

Take a look at the MyFaces examples (download it and put it in your web container). It has all the necessary codes and it is very straigth-forward to follow in order to use it.
16 years ago
Hi all,

I would like to double-check something with you guys.

(Using Tomcat 6.x, JSF 1.2, JDK 1.6.x) I was trying a simple JSP/JSF file:

and changed the minimum requirement for 4 :

The error msg was still showing with value "2". After investigation, I found that the validation is somehow link with the user session as I needed to close the browser, stop and start Tomcat, restart the browser and reload the file (to start a new jsessionid) so I can see the error msg change to 4.

This is very annoying. How do you develop JSF files in a dev environnement so you are sure that any changes to JSF tags attributes are being taken in account right away? Thk!
[ April 02, 2008: Message edited by: Frederic Filiatrault ]
16 years ago

As I experienced, it is only to be distributable. It doesn't affect anything.
But I might be wrong...
19 years ago

Sorry to ask but, did you tried to use POST instead of GET to remove your parameters and then, empty your doGet function in your servlet to make sure it will not be reprocess again?

Quite simple but had to ask...

19 years ago

Ok then, make a test for me, rename your bean class name "AdToHave2" instead of "AdToHave" (modify your hTML also) and then try it out. I'll bet it will be working fine.

Keep me post.
19 years ago

Don't take it personal but you're question is very simple. You may want to read a little bit more about deploying files...

I'll give you a track:

your ACTION tag will have a value (e.g. TARGET1).

<form action="TARGET1" ...>

So, in your WEB.XML, you'll have two very important tags (it is not mandatory, but you should). First one will register your servlet, the second will map your servlet to a URL.



So, has you can see, the "MyFirstServlet" is a generic name you'll give in your web.xml (the name won't be used anywhere else). The URL could be anything you want. For example, in your web site is:

you'll have to type

to get your servlet running. So, the ACTION tag should be this link (absolute link or not, depends).

But, as I told you, there's a lot involved in this and it is very difficult to rapidly explain you all.

Hope this helps !

19 years ago

It means that the TAG may be reuse in an other application (by adding it to the WEB.XML). There's no clustering-thing about it as you tought. Hope this helps !
19 years ago

More details would be needed, I think. Mainly, from the module A, I would fill the bean of the module B and forward to your B-JSP file, as you suggested.

I don't know for what reason you have 2 modules, I presume that it is two differents way to make a search. So, in this case, why are you not creating a 3rd module, for displaying results ? Just a suggestion.

If you could describe a little bit more what A & B is doing, I would able to answer you more in details. thk !

19 years ago