Marcos Maia

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since Jan 06, 2001
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In WebSphere 8 all you have to do is use ikeyman and configure the certificate in IHS, have Security turned on on WebSphere and have the plugin-cfg.xml propagated to IHS. The connection between IHS and WebSphere will be automatically SSL.

12 years ago
You need to add MQ client jars to your app classpath. You can find some MQ client jars inside the MQ connector in WebSphere at ${WEBSPHERE_HOME}/AppServer/installedConnectors the MQ libs are inside the .rar file called: wmq.jmsra.rar

12 years ago
Hi, having same problem. Did you manage to fix this?

12 years ago

Just tried the more generic approach using:

but does not seem to have worked for me.I will still run some more tests and let you know about the results.

It worked for me this more generic approach in the end. I was having problems with duplicated entry in the classpath but it is fixed now and it is working with the generic approach I have mentioned here.


12 years ago

We have a webservice control client generated with workshop 10.3. It's working perfectly. For audit pourposes we need to log the soap requests we send to the webservice using it. I couldn't find any documentation about it. How do we log soap requests generated by a webservice client control?

tx in advance!
14 years ago

Andy Kay wrote:This gave me nightmares. I don't know why weblogic sometimes behaves differently when deployed as WAR instead of exploded.

Weblogic behaves like this because THIS IS EXACTLY what is defined in the J2EE specification. This is not a problem and is an expected and correct behavior as stated in specs. This is also mentioned in javadocs.

15 years ago

Ilja Preuss wrote:I guess the question I still have is: why *don't* you use a white board? Just curious...

This will be a pilot project with SCRUM in a BIG organization. The place where the team stays has about 200 other people working on different projects. It's an open space and the team will not feel confortable with that. We had a quick meeting on this subject and the team decided to go for a software.

Ilja Preuss wrote:What do you mean by "support control SCRUM process"? What do you expect the tool to do for you? And what do you mean by "that's not the case"?

That was just bad english

Tanks for the insight, good blog post.

So far I have been reading about the tools I mentioned using it's respective documentation and that's my impressions so far:

XPlanner - Pretty complete but quite focused on XP. So is much more than a SCRUM tool. If you uses java will not be difficult do intall.

Scarab - So far looks the most customizable and flexible tool. Probably will take a while to configure it and get to the right path for the team but looks very promising.

Agilo - I could not find any Linux version so far, so I stopped this evaluation. Also I didn't like their commercial approach.

Just start evaluating a new tool I found IceScrum - . Also looks promising. Really easy to set up, has an embedded database and a nice interface. Just a deploy on tomcat and it's working.


I want to use scrum with a team, I'm new to it and looking forward for a tool to support control SCRUM process , I know I could use a whiteboard, etc, but that´s not the case. Any suggestions on free tools to evaluate?

So far I will problably evaluate: XPlanner, Agilo(Free edition) and Scarab

Any other suggestions? As I mentioned I'm new to SCRUM so any personal impressions on tools will be appreciated.

tx in advance.

Few years ago I remember whizlabs had such exams, I have visited their website and they no long provide any exams on weblogic. Anyone does know a mock exam for weblogic server certification? Other than the sample questions from official Oracle Certification website.

tx in advance.
15 years ago
As you mentioned the Weblogic version with Portlet container is Weblogic Portal. I do not know any other ways using weblogic. If you find a way to deploy a portlet container to weblogic server please let us know how?

15 years ago
To use nodemanager you will need to start nodemanager in both hardwares and than create a "Machine" connected to nodemanagers than you will be able to use admin console to control servers.

15 years ago
You will find detailed explanation on how to configure it on the following topic:

15 years ago
you need to define a working-dir also !!! As follows:

15 years ago