John Wetherbie

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since Apr 05, 2000
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Thanks for the URL. Looks like some good stuff. Already thinking of downloading Balsamiq and playing around with it.

I wish I had Bugshot a few weeks ago when I looked at alternate designs for a web page that bugged me.
10 years ago
Cameron and Josh,

Are there any web sites or tools you recommend that help implement the approaches described in your book?
10 years ago

That's an interesting question. My experience leads me to go with that old engineering standby: It depends.

For sites that can easily translate between platforms using CSS, etc, and its not a gnarly mess, them that seems to be a good approach. Once the pain of maintaining the data in one place exceeds the value then splitting seems called for. Hopefully the improvements in maintainability and understandability outweighs the effort that may be required to change things in two places.

Is it possible to keep the common things in a single file and the platform specific items in another file (or one for each platform)? I haven't done anything big enough to know whether this would work or just cause a different mess.
10 years ago
Cool. Given the title of the book I expected it to focus a lot on design rather than implementation. Do you provide code examples that show how you implement the design concepts you present on the different platforms?
10 years ago
Cameron and Josh,

Are there any specific tools you use for interaction design? I'm assuming pencil and paper are big but are there any open source or commercial tools you use?
10 years ago

Thanks for the response. Being an engineer and programmer it is really cool to see people involved in this area from different backgrounds. I only occasionally get to work on interfaces so I have to make do with taking classes much of the time.

Speaking of inspirational books - I read Norman's The Design of Everyday Things in the mid-90s. Made me see things a new way. I'm currently reading the revised edition.
10 years ago
Josh and Cameron,

How did you two start doing interaction design and what prompted you to write a book on the subject?

10 years ago
Hi Josh & Cameron,

Just wanted to start with a general question - What differentiates your book from similar books in this area?
10 years ago
A lot of the capabilities of "HTML 5" are due to JavaScript. The best (and shortest) explanation I've read is HTML 5 = HTML 5 + JavaScript + CSS.
Howdy, folks!

Really liked the book. Gave it 9 horseshoes in my review. Keep up the good work!
Give it a good try first and if you run into problems post your code. Your post, correctly or incorrectly, gives people the impression you want them to do your homework for you.

Thanks for your response and the info about follow-on books.
13 years ago
I think you may want to post a little more code so people can follow what you are trying to do.
13 years ago
Anyone have an opinion of Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML? Would you recommend this book to someone learning HTML & CSS or is there something better out there?
13 years ago

If line 3 is something you need to do no matter what you could put it in a finally block. If line 2 is the only thing that will throw an exception and you can handle it and you want to go onto line 3 after that then you should move line 3 out of the try block or into its own try block.
18 years ago