Kai Witte

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 17, 2004
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Recent posts by Kai Witte


How did you make a signature without rel="nofollow"?
10 years ago
Nice, congratulations!
10 years ago

some answers in the ePractice mock solutions are just wrong. Also, it lacks a method of sorting questions based on how often they had been answered correctly in a row (Leitner system).


I can't guarantee to tell you best practices, because I haven't used JSF 2.0 in a real project yet.

About web development in general:
  • You need server-side validation anyway, even if you use JavaScript as a "first check".
  • The most user friendly way to present errors in forms is an error message next to the field where the error occurs.

  • JSF is particularly well suited to make form validation simple. Actually, that's the one big gain when using JSF, while it makes other things much harder than they were with plain Servlets/JSP.
  • Use required="true" in the tags of mandatory input elements: http://download.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/gjcxv.html
  • For additional validation, check out integrated and custom validators in the tutorial
  • Use h:message (error for one particular field) or h:messages (global) to display validation errors and similar problems for fields: http://download.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnarf.html#bnaso

  • Your chances of making the application really secure and with not too many bugs aren't that good, given the background you stated. But it'll work.

    14 years ago

    that's even worse! It's possible to keep all knowledge about past certifications alive by investing only a few hours PER YEAR repeating old mock exam questions. The new Whilzabs license model, just as the old one, shows that they focus on customers who do the cert just to show off the credential, not for the knowledge itself.

    A while a go I wrote a comparison between Enthuware and Whizlabs. The whizlabs version used in that comparison is very old, but that's their fault: The license of Whizlabs products doesn't work with changed hardware, so it can only be used for the direct preparation and not to repeat and remember things long after the exam.

    Enthuware JQ+ is certainly worth the money. Additionally to realistic mock questions, which you could also get for free, it offers the best support for sorting questions based on how often you got them right/wrong (especially when using the integrated Leitner-mode).


    why the heck is that a bad thing to happen? Don't say anything, just pay for part 1 again and retake if you must. Then you paid for two exams, but you also got two certs and studied for just one. I'd trade any of mine for your Sun Certified Security Administrator for Solaris 9, because I can retake them any time since I already know the material.

    Networking basics


    TCP with Java

    I don't know about a source that sums up communication concepts without a central server. The existing concepts are all very different.

    technically there always is a client and a server when TCP is used. Conceptually anything is possible that doesn't conflict with that (central server, no central server, direct connection after server mediated contact, ...).


    a few years ago you changed hyperlinks in posts and in the signature to use rel="nofollow". That made this place a little less attractive for people like me who didn't participate because of an increased page rank, but appreciated it as a nice bonus. I understand that you have to do it if that solves a problem with spam or other forms of abuse. Just mentioning it as part of the requested brainstorming.

    14 years ago

    I implemented an old version of B&S in 2004, and I got away with it:

    Still no guarantee that your spec is phrased differently or simply judged differently ...

    I was pretty upset about the low quality of the sample questions and proposed "correct" answers - which aren't even free. The proposed answer and explanation from your example can only be created of by a total lack of understanding how a simple program runs in general, combined the laziness to not test it.

    Maybe the serialization questions in the real exam were all wrong, too, and that's why they had to remove them?


    I believe that execute blocks. More logging statements would certainly help you.
