Robert Chisholm

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since Jul 18, 2004
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Recent posts by Robert Chisholm

I think what Andy is saying is that when he runs the server program on Host X, it is assumed that Host X is running the server... so why have a Host textbox?
You need to know .valueOf(). On the exam, I had at least two snippets of code with that method in it.
Don't forget that there is a "blocked on an object's lock" type of waiting that isn't so obvious.
Whatever writing utensils they give you... ask for two of them Mine ran out of ink.
SCJP means you've read and understand the Java spec. That's about it (although it tests basic OO knowledge). I don't know why any professional who is charging for Java development can get less than 52% -- unless they're relying on frameworks, IDEs, or J2EE containers.
Never got a clone question in the Dan Chisholm mocks. Never saw the topic covered in the K&B book. Never saw the question on the exam.
Just to add my 2 cents to the thread...

A "delete operation" should be an atomic transaction consisting of lock+delete+unlock. In my mind, a create() should not infinge on a delete's atomicity. Ie: just because the create() method doesn't use the same lock() as delete() or update(), doesn't mean it should be able to reuse any deleted record at any time. If the above atomic delete operation hasn't finished then, IMO, create() shouldn't be allowed to reuse that deleted record.

In my project, I use a deletedRecordList collection. The create() method must go here to reuse a deleted record. When the atomic delete operation has completed, it puts the newly deleted recNo in the collection. To add, the following is my atomic+synchronized create operation: determine recNo to create+create the record+remove the recNo from the deleted list. So it's not possible for two threads to create() the same record at the same time.
I spent about 2 years doing 3D game-engine development for an Open Source project in my spare time. If you get into the 3D dev stuff, it gets really complicated, really fast. I spent 6 months alone just coming up with fast/accurate collision-detection algorithms.

Anyway, a better place to ask this question is over at Gamasutra or FlipCode.
20 years ago

Originally posted by James Turner:
We can't use NIO for this assignment.

Talk about limiting your options..!!


[ October 08, 2004: Message edited by: James Turner ]

Heh... oh no! Here we go again with this topic... ah... do a search
I go through SCJD every day at work -- except the SCJD cert has better functional requirements and no SA to deal with

IMO the SCJD cert will either indicate that you're a good Java developer or you're not. But it certainly will not make you a Developer when you're done.

Just my 2 cents.
It sounds like you're a candidate for NIO. Why don't you use that then?
Will there be an upgrade exam in the same format?
Do you have any idea why the General Considerations score is so low?

What was your choices.txt file like?
20 years ago
My personal opinion is that ADF (which is/was a JSR) is currently too proprietary to Oracle to use, and generates humungous amounts of code when used with JDeveloper. Angle brackets from hell comes to mind.

Rod Johnson recently commented on this in his new book "J2EE without EJB".

I wrote one app using BC4J about a year ago... and ADF seems to be the next step in its complexity. While that complexity is generally hidden from the would-be developer, it shows up when you start to drill down into the code.

While probably unrelated to the topic, I don't understand why Oracle is pursuing UIX... but it's part of its ADF framework.
20 years ago
If you're talking about the Sun certs... they indicate that Sun has certified you as being competent in a particular area. That means you should be able to walk into almost any company and perform well in that area using Sun technology -- sans knowledge specific to that business sector of course.

The fact that you had 1 or more jobs in the past 17 years means that 1 or more companies felt you were competent (perhaps in some area other than Java/J2EE), and paid you a salary. It doesn't necessarily mean that Sun would have sanctioned you as being competent in using their technology.

That's all the cert indicates, IMO. If you are REALLY using the Sun technology defined in the targetted cert, then getting it is not a lot of work. Fi: getting the SCJP indicates that you understand at least 52% of the Java spec. Personally, I don't think that's asking much from someone who expects to get paid from doing Java development.
20 years ago