Kelvin Okornoe wrote:b.h will print 4, Because variables are invoked using the reference type than the Object at runtime, and b.getH() will invoke the Beta version of the method at runtime. When it gets to which variable is printed in class Beta. Beta's variable h gets printed and returned.
Please correct me if am wrong!.
Kelvin Okornoe wrote:That is the method statement prints before the variable.
And I keeping asking myself why?
Kelvin Okornoe wrote:Someone help me understand why?
Nikhil Nagrale wrote:ii) Should I wait for OCAJP 9 ? or take OCAJP 8?
Vidya Shivram wrote:what are the tips/tricks is to easily identify unreachable code?
Heather Barnes wrote:The one thing I didn't do as consistently was write snippets of code for each concept - I focused more on doing this for areas I often got confused on. Is this maybe where I missed in my preparation?
Heather Barnes wrote:Failed first attempt at Java OCA exam
Heather Barnes wrote:On exam day, I felt prepared but got tripped up on the first few questions and didn't manage my time well creating a time crunch at the end and ended up guessing on about 7 questions at the end blindly with no time to even read them. Needless to say, I didn't re-check my answers either. The final result was a 50%. I want to sit for it again in a few weeks but unsure of how to proceed from here.
Heather Barnes wrote:I had been doing okay on the practice tests for Enthuware - anywhere between 65 and 85 %
Do I re-take all the Enthuware tests but more closely monitor time on each question? Are there other practice tests sources I should try where I haven't seen the questions so much? What do you guys suggest? I don't wan to overuse the same resources and get over-confident, however, I don't want to use bad practice tests either.
Lilou Laure wrote:I would like to know your views on this , from you all ! Is it that there are certain exams sets that are quite hard and so it may not always be possible to score higher than the Enthuware mock average ?