Lucy Hummel

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since Jul 22, 2004
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I would like to support the Java Community Process by implementing reference implementations for JSRs.

My java skills I prove a lot during my working time and passing succesful Sun Certificates. The week after the last week I implemented in a test-driven development process some stateless sessin bean. After a lot of junit, my colleagues did the E2E testing on the server this week. He did not find anything that did not work.

Look forward to your answers

14 years ago

Mikalai Zaikin wrote:Hello,

Unfortunately, Whizlabs does not provide mock for SCDWS 5.0 (however there is mock for old 310-220 exam - )

The only commercial mock test for SCDJWS 5.0 is provided by Sun Microsystems -

Best regards,


The Sun exam has 48 questions. If I use that exam for training purpose, after a brief training cycle I already know the answers of all questions. So instead of learning what the topic is, I know which questions are right.

Anyway, since of lacking mocks, I am going to buy it for learning.
I totally agree with Mark, just make a search in our forum.

Hi Stefan,

That is really cool. Just one point for the seq. diagrams...


Yes, if you do the Business Component before, you can skip the EJB part of SCEA.

Hi David,

I have not studied PetStore or something else and passed the exam with 88%.

That is what I can say. I learned a lot by reading the topics of our forum.

Hi Eblovich

I just want to mention that your not the only one who does not passed, see topic Failed Part 2.

Hi Eduard,

Just write your assumptions, I think that would be fine and enough.

Assumptions, could be: DB takes care of currency.

Hi Stefan,

Just log to cert manager.

Your SUN Id is your log in name. Your password is defined by yourself.

Hi Hassan,

I totally agree with Theodore. Keep it as simple as possible and mention all your assumptions.

I do not take care which segment my customer deletes. That is his/her problem. Not mine

Hi Stefan,

If you log in to cert manager you can find your grade.

The web page provides your whole history about SUN exams.


Originally posted by David Follow:

for Part II do I need to schedule an appointment with Prometric or is ordering the voucher for Part II with Sun enough?


Hi David,

You are right. Just order your assignment. After some days (~2 days) you can upload your assignment from the certmanger.

As already mentioned by other topics like
web page.

My best wishes

Hi Rahul,

I totally agree with Jeremy.

In my architecture BD is used by a controller object that is part of the client side and not part of the server side.


Originally posted by Jeremy Hsu:
I remember I read it somewhere on the forum that people who scores low on the class diagram did not account for all domain objects.

For example, how do you address equipment in your class diagram. Also, it seems people who got ultra high score on class diagram usually just address the domain model without anything regards to J2EE stuff like this should be an entity bean, and that should be a session bean, etc.

In other words, it is very technology independent, and no showing like DTO or other helper classes just to address J2EE.

As far as I can juge, Jeremy is right.

I can recommend that you do not put any J2EE stuff in the BDM. So, keep the BDM as technology independent as you can.

The Business Delegate, Service Locator, Session Facades, Data Access Objects, .. are mentioned in the other two diagrams (component & sequnence/collaboration diagram) and not in the BDM.
