Nicolas Taillepied

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since Jul 23, 2004
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Recent posts by Nicolas Taillepied

Hi Sudhir, I'm sure not to call Table1 in both cases because if I call first Table2 the response is : id=2 ; name=tutu ; image=tutu.jpg
And after if I call Table1 :
id=1 ; name=toto ; image=toto.jpg
id=2 ; name=tutu ; image=tutu.jpg
id=3 ; name=titi ; image=titi.jpg
I've check the problem, it comes from that ejbLoad() is not made when the id was asked before.
Hi all,
I want to solve a problem with a BMP which represent many tables in a Postgres database. Each tables have 3 columns : id, name and image.
My problem is when I want to get the lines from a table, the ejbLoad() method is not done by the bean when the id have ever been known before for an other table :
example :
id=1 ; name=toto ; image=toto.jpg
id=2 ; name=tata ; image=tata.jpg
id=3 ; name=titi ; image=titi.jpg

id=2 ; name=tutu ; image=tutu.jpg

When I get all lines from Table1, it works fine but when I ask for Table2, it returns : id=2 ; name=tata ; image=tata.jpg instead of id=2 ; name=tutu ; image=tutu.jpg.

Is somebody knows how to force the ejbLoad() to look in the database or knows another solution to solve this problem ???

Thanks a lot for response.
Have you got struts.jar in your classpath ?
If you don't, you have to download jakarta-struts from
Hope that's helpfull
20 years ago
Thanks for your replies, but I've ever try this solutions before and I got bugs. I will try to do another way to solve my problem.
Hi all,
I have 2 servers (jboss) running on different computers. I wan't to deploy a Message Driven Bean on one computer which listen a queue located on the other computer.
I've made a lot of tries of configurations but unsuccessfully.
Thanks if you known the response
Hi, I hope that you've solved your problem.
If you don't, try :
dbconn = DriverManager.getConnection(sourceURL,"your user name for postgres","your password");
instead of dbconn = DriverManager.getConnection(sourceURL);
Good luck
20 years ago
I can just give an url maybe helpfull:
it describe how configuring axis and jboss and deploy a web service.
Good luck, Nicolas
20 years ago
Hi Muzammil,
have you removed hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml from ..\jboss-3.2.3\server\default\deploy\jms\ ??
Maybe your problem comes from this file...
Good luck
20 years ago