Hi all,
I want to solve a problem with a BMP which represent many tables in a Postgres database. Each tables have 3 columns : id, name and image.
My problem is when I want to get the lines from a table, the ejbLoad() method is not done by the bean when the id have ever been known before for an other table :
example :
id=1 ; name=toto ; image=toto.jpg
id=2 ; name=tata ; image=tata.jpg
id=3 ; name=titi ; image=titi.jpg
id=2 ; name=tutu ; image=tutu.jpg
When I get all lines from Table1, it works fine but when I ask for Table2, it returns : id=2 ; name=tata ; image=tata.jpg instead of id=2 ; name=tutu ; image=tutu.jpg.
Is somebody knows how to force the ejbLoad() to look in the database or knows another solution to solve this problem ???
Thanks a lot for response.