Axel Janssen

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Recent posts by Axel Janssen


take a look at this stackoverflow answer:

Try to put a <h:panelGroup autoUpdate="true"> arround the 3 elements you want to rerender after the ajax request - response circle initiated by the itemSelect of the p:autoComplete.

I tend to allways prefer ids referenced in render/update-attributes

I don't understand the binding of the commandButton.
9 years ago
Like said before, in most cases it is a very good idea to add one of the extension tagsets. Primefaces is a popular option among those for good reason.
When I started, the showcase was a good help. Here is something similar to which you may want to acomplish:

On the top an example of the wiget and below the code to accomplish it.
9 years ago
Hi Budi,

could you please expose what you consider the main advantages or dis-advantages of struts 2 compared to spring-mvc?
I admit that it often depends on context, skills of developers, etc, but facing the not small amount of java webframeworks such comparisions from someone who has lots of experience with at least one of those is interesting to read.


17 years ago

I am not a big netbeaner, but more on the eclipse side.
Now I want to use it for some simple ajax tests.
Unfortunatedly I did not found a way for the simple task of importing a file like prototype.js in the web pages folder.
In Eclipse there is right mouse click import or file import. Also files can be draged and droped in the projects views, whereas in Netbeans I found no other way but to create an empty file, name it prototype.js and CTRL-C/CTRL-V the content from somewhere else. Maybe I am blind. There has to be an easier way.

thanks Axel
[ January 22, 2008: Message edited by: Axel Janssen ]

I am more a ocasional java script developer. As I understood the debate so far, jQuery is very good for a certain task (traversal of DOM).
Now if in my team, there is relatively much experience with Prototype, is it advisable (or even possible) to mix the 2 libraries?
That means more specifically: Using prototype for ajax stuff and jQuery just for the complexer dom-access bits? Or qualifies mixing prototype and jQuery as a particularly bad idea and jQuery should be used separated from prototype for projects, where more advanced dom access is expected?


Originally posted by Ashok Mash:
Not overlooking the discussion so far or anything, but is it a case of Rupee getting stronger, or is it actually Dollar thats getting weaker?

Its more like Dollar getting weaker. Rupee won only 3.4% against Euro between 09.02.2007 and today. In any case the Dollar has lost in the last year against a lot of currencies (for ex. Euro and chilean peso).
I think its quite healthy, because US has such a high trading deficit. Devaluation of the $ helps US-locals against importers and US-exporters against local competitors. US-consumers have to pay higher Dollar-prices for goods from India or Europe. Peanuts butter and US-books are getting cheaper for Indians and Europeans.

According to a currency site in german Rupee lost only against Australian and Canadian Dollar, no changes against polish sloty, neusealandian Dollar and won against all other currencies.
[ October 09, 2007: Message edited by: Axel Janssen ]
17 years ago
Commons logging from apache jakarta is missing on your classpath.
There is quite a bunch of libraries, spring depends on.
Download the with-dependencies thing (for example:
You dont need any of those jars for a little project. Newer books tend to start with a short introductions about when which jar is needed. Currently I can't find such information online. Of course for starting you may put all jars from the with-dependencies download in your classpath. Or start with spring.jar and add those which are missing.
I just noticed
Good that I haven't bought the meap (was thinking about that). Main reason for that decision was that PDF books tend to loose against not-yet-read hardcopies on my shelf.
Now just not forget to follow book promo winner process properly (not as last time)
17 years ago

For example xUnit patterns by Gerard Meszaros?
Or Junit Recipes by Rainsberger (a book which definitedly had (and has) its time for me)
How does Test Driven differ in focus and perspective?


17 years ago
I second the recommendations of Tamas.
2 month ago or so Manning released the second edition "Spring in Action". I've read the chapters about bean wiring and aop and found them the best introduction in these concepts.
"Java Persistence with Hibernate" is very rich in details (and this is good for Hibernate as a topic).
Both frameworks have a very good online documentation, which is very usefull to look things up, once you've got a good grasp of the basic concepts.

kind regards

Axel Janssen
With all this mergers in Europe we tend to have more collaboration between teams from non-native english speaking countries.
I have experienced 2 times that this may create its own flavour of blaming & fingerpointing culture. I had a collegues who increasingly complained of the quality of English of the other team. "Oh these Portuguese write an English nobody understands". And it actually was quite good and I very well knew that our English had lots of peculiarities. Maybe more than theirs.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Bhiku Mhatre:

The mayor of town where the violance against foreigner took place, simply downplayed it.

There was a lot of indignation about the attitude of this mayor. Zero apologies and a lot worrying about reputation.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Bhiku Mhatre:


Really sad and confusing issues. Depends on region: east/west, rural/city.
This is still among the richer countries of the world and still some folks get nervous with globalisation, which is a bit funny if you watch our trade balance.
Some nationalist idiots here also try to become more accepted by riding the anti-muslim wave. Dangerously following letal old propaganda habbits by just replacing word jew with muslim. They declare themselves as good friends of Israel. Of course their warm feelings are not returned by jewish community.
Western Germany is safe, but currently if you have a darker skin and go to eastern regions of this country, you might better ask for some security advice.
17 years ago
Germany depends very on city / rural as on the region.
In K�ln we drink water from the water tap for years, though its well known for its high content of lime.
17 years ago

if I am looking for a flat in a german city for a time, I use this site. (there are more). You find there offers of people who don't need theirs for a certain period of time and try to rent it. Its with furniture and everything. Its difficult though possible without knowing german, but I think impossible to try that from India. (select Wohnungs-Angebote in first box and Berlin in second box). At least you'll get an idea about prices at the market. Most prices there are per-month.

Berlin is very different from small city. There are plenty of indian restaurants of the 3 categories which exist here (a) more fast food oriented, b) quality and more expensive or c) vegetarian individualist style). Currently in my neighbourhood in Koeln there appears to open a new indian or thai restaurant each week. Most supermarkets are cheap. Best is Kaufland (huge offer, cheap & quality).
My sister lives there and I visit her sometimes.
Case you enjoy cultural/arts events, there is plenty going on there. Maybe you can get some schedule from tourist office. It can be really interesting.
Museumswise I find Pergamon-Museum (my forefathers have stolen whole historical ruins from Turkey) and Checkpoint Charly (about time of Berlin Wall) most atracting.
There is lots of nightlife (no closing time). In summer the lakes are not bad, but don't go Wannsee as its too crowded. You won't have the time, but there is a nice lake region 200 km to the north (Mecklenburger Seenplatte).
Berlin has an unemployment rate of 20%. For german standards they are quite poor on average. Otherwise I find them relaxed. For example, in summer its common to see some natives who installed their desk and some chairs on the sidewalk having breakfast on the street. On the other hand they can have their very specific way of being unfriendly. One time I wanted to buy some baps (small bread) in a backery, which is called Broettchen in german, but Schrippen in Berlin dialect and they understand both.
Me: 8 Broettchen, please.
Salesgirl: We don't have that.
Me (pointing at the Broettchen): I would enjoy to buy 8 of those.
Salesgirl (angry): And why don't you tell at first that you want 8 Schrippen.
Others reported similar encounters.
Its safe except some quaters in the outskirts. Better don't leave public transport there.

Have a nice stay


[ June 12, 2007: Message edited by: Axel Janssen ]

[ June 12, 2007: Message edited by: Axel Janssen ]
[ June 12, 2007: Message edited by: Axel Janssen ]
17 years ago