Originally posted by Mike Himstead:
I'm a little bit confused about a specific exercise regarding the "Least Knowledge" design principle. First of all, I do know what the principle means (I think ), what gives me a headache is one of the "Sharpen your pencil" tasks where one is asked to name classes that violate against the above principle. The classes are both called "House". While I understand the first issues (which is more or less the same mentioned in the chapter) the remarks about the second House class at the solutions page (page 272) puzzles me. My impression is that indeed nothing substantial did change, it looks more like "hacking our way around the principle".
Could anyone shed some light on this?
Originally posted by Barbara Norway:
Will the reason the "pink girl" cover was vetoed ever be divulged? Just curious. Guess it wouldn't be the biker couple that made the cut....oh, wait, that was another book cover contest wasn't it? Do we really have to wait until the book is published to see the replacement cover model?
Honestly, I don't think people would have just seen "pink girl" as just an object. But, even if a brown paper bag is on the cover, the contents will be the reward.
Originally posted by Bob Beerbower:
Dave, will any UML modeling tools be needed to follow along with the book. If so are there any, preferably free ware ones that you suggest.
Originally posted by Chengwei Lee:
Congrats to all the winners!
Dave, is there an estimated date the book would be hit the shelves?