Bob Liu

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since Aug 02, 2004
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well, I got run time error when I ran the vendor's sample code in RAD7 with IBM's JDK5. But I can tun it in tomcat 5.5 with Sun's JDK 5.

I can compile the web application in both JDKs as you mentioned.

I asked IBM's technical support, they said RAD7 can only run with IBM's JDK on windows. They don't suggest to switch JDK.
17 years ago
I am using a 3rd party package which only supports Sun JDK5, not IBM JDK 5.
I use RAD7(WebSpher 6.1, JDK 5) for my web application development.
How do I switch my local RAD7 's compile JDK and WAS 6.1 runtime JDK to Sun's?


Bob Liu
17 years ago
I converted my web application from wsad 5.1.2 to RAD6. Some my JSPs in RAD6 show red error on the side. For example "Unhandled exception". I don't see these red errors in wsad 5.1.2. And all the pages work well in both wsad 5.1.2 and RAD 6.

Can I ignore these red error message in RAD 6?
By the way, these errors don't show in "problems" tab when I re-build project.
18 years ago
I am doing the same thing here. I just found the apache's jasper package is gone in Rational 6 and J2EE 1.4. Is there a replacement of org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary ?
19 years ago
We use wsad 5.12, WebSphere 5.1 and J2EE 1.3 to build our application before. Now we are trying to migrate WebSphere 6 and J2EE 1.4.

I can't compile my Java code in Rational 6 (J2EE 1.4 project) because the the apache's org.apache.jasper package is not in IBM's webcontainer.jar any more. Can I still use apache's jasper package or is there a replacement in J2EE 1.4 and Rational 6?
19 years ago
We have a swing based Java application runs well under JDK 1.3. When we upgrade to JDK 1.4.2 recently, it can be compiled. When we run the application most parts worked well. But it took 100% CPU time when we tried open some screens. When I click the dropdowns in these screens, it did not disply properly.

Any thoughts? Experience?
20 years ago
Where can I find a BigDecimalFormat that will handle BigDecimals? The JDK docs say that only Longs and Doubles are currently ( 1.3 ) returned.


Bob Liu
20 years ago
How do I format a string with commas to display in curreny format?
Assume the incoming string is a big number. For example, "1234567901234567890123456"

I want result as "12,345,678,901,234,567,890,123,456"

The DecimalFormat in Java has a limitation to format a big number.

20 years ago