rajenag neelam

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Recent posts by rajenag neelam

Thankx for sharing ur knowledge.
I would like to know one thing .How Entity beans differ from Session beans

l came across to this answer every where. But iam not getting satisfactory answer.
Everwhere i found answer as Entity bean is persistent. and Session bean is not persistent.
But as session beans can also do persistent operations by involving in database and transaction operations.

And also i found Entity beans will operate on row, While Sessionn beans operate on data.
What this actually means,Anhow we are updating database by both of these beans.

Please share your knowledge regarding this.

Thanks for all your replys.

I have got lot of information from that.
I would like to know,
Statefull Session beans can also access database as Entity beans and also can involve in transactions.
So still iam not sure whats the main difference.

In one article I read that main difference is in number of client access of a Bean.

Please throw me some light on this one.

Thankx for reply

1)I want to know whether multiple cleint access is supported in Statefull Session beans.
2) I read in a book that for Stateless session bean there will be pool,
and for Statefull session bean there will be cache.
And For entity bean there will be both pool and cache.

Please explain me How they are realted with Lifecycles and clients of that beans.
Hi all,
I am new to EJB. When Iam trying to explore ,
Few basic questions are really troubling me in EJB. I would like to know whether my thinking is right .

1) For Statelss session beans , ejbCreate() will be called only once because of pooling.

2) For Statefull session beans ejbCreate() method will be called everytime as per request because we
cant pool.

3)Whether Stateless session beans can be accessed by multiple cleints.

4) Why multiple client access is not supported in Session beans, when session beans support transactions.
5)Whether the only main difference between Statefull session bean and Entity bean is the multiple client access support.

It will be thankfull to me if you people provide some light on above things with specific examples.


Hi all,
I am new to EJB. When Iam trying to explore ,
Few basic questions are really troubling me in EJB. I would like to know whether my thinking is right .

1) For Statelss session beans , ejbCreate() will be called only once because of pooling.

2) For Statefull session beans ejbCreate() method will be called everytime as per request because we
cant pool.

3)Whether Stateless session beans can be accessed by multiple cleints.

4) Why multiple client access is not supported in Session beans, when session beans support transactions.
5)Whether the only main difference between Statefull session bean and Entity bean is the multiple client access support.

It will be thankfull to me if you people provide some light on above things with specific examples.

