Kunal Aher

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since Apr 07, 2000
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Recent posts by Kunal Aher

Hi ,
I am upgrading my system for one sole reason - to run WSAD + WAS + DB2
and Weblogic Workshop. I was wondering if there were any benchmarks for appservers running on different Processors and RAM configurations.
I have the following options
a) P4 (2.4 or 2.8) + Intel 845 MB + 1GB RAM
b) AMD Athlon (2800+) + ASUS Board + 1 GB RAM .
Can anyone help in providing some guidelines on JVM performances on these 2 configurations ?

Kunal - Mumbai
19 years ago
Hi ,
Thanks . Its a great solution. I shall be trying
it out soon.
Let me share with you what I need this for. I am creating a few object , which will be the outcome of xml parsing , some DB lookups etc. But the data in them wont change regularly. So I though about this idea of storing those fully constructed objects in a secondary storage. And the next time I need those objects I will read them from the DB. Now the only thing left to do will be to compare the time to see if there are aany significant differences .The above soln. will allow me to go ahead with my idea.

Thanks once again .

[ March 04, 2003: Message edited by: Kunal Aher ]
21 years ago
Hi ,
Those are real good suggestions . It really makes good sense to have a new interface built around an existing time tested system , that might have evolved and perfected over the years. No doubt IT managers would love that idea .

And Ruijin , you have already shown the initiative. I am sure your manager will appreciate that. And I think that Kyle didnt mean creating separate classes to split up the variables. The classes will evolve naturally as result of the OO Design. So dont take that statement literally ( Correct me if I am wrong Kyle )
All the best .
Good , now I need to go back to my books for some real serious reading on OOAD.
Kyle , I must thank you for the EJB Workbook . Without it I would have never learnt deploying EJB's on WS .
Keep it up .

[ March 04, 2003: Message edited by: Kunal Aher ]
Thanks Kyle for the suggestions, It made me realise that I must start thinking from ' out of the box ' and just not to go along with the obvious.
Anyways I am really curious , of how someone should go about writing new J2EE systems based on legacy ones. Especially in the case where there is a one to one mapping of functionality required in the new system,the natural tendency would be to simply do a line to line conversion of code :-( .
Your experience would help to throw some light on this.

[ March 04, 2003: Message edited by: Kunal Aher ]
Thanks for the reply .
But I am using the ATG Dynamo app server and their Repository API. It is a layer above the DB ( similar to JDO ) , and the method signature that they have provided to insert binary data takes a byte[]. There is no method like setObject that can be used. So the deadlock.

21 years ago
I plan to write an application where the Object is stored to some secondary storage. Can anyone suggest how we can convert an Object to a array of Bytes , so that I can store the Objects ?
Has anyone come across a similar problem , and if yes , what was the solution that was adopted ?
All ideas welcome .
21 years ago
Just need to know , if u require a common pool of variables that are referred by all or a data structure soring the 900 variables for each logged user ?
In the former case , a singleton class can serve the purpose and in the latter , there is not much choice.
900 variables really is a big number !
But again there are chances that u can categorise those variables and have different classes for them.This can help u organise more just in case there is a possibility that U instantiate only a set of those variables based on the user role / business logic .
I work with ATG dynamo , and here we have the components ( basically a Java Bean ) where we store the values . The server then stores these variables to a Properties file.
This soln is applicable just if in case the values are required to be initialised with constants that can be stored in the Prop files and set during the initialising of the component.

I know the above solns are not definitive but we can discuss it out.
All the best .
Please try running the query from the tool to test if the query really returns something !
Secondly , if possible try to use cachedrowsets , the reference implementation is available on the sun site. Advantage is that u get to know the size of the fetched results ( which is so desperately required sometimes )
21 years ago
Please try running the query from the tool to test if the query really returns something !
Secondly , if possible try to use cachedrowsets , the reference implementation is available on the sun site. Advantage is that u get to know the size of the fetched results ( which is so desperately required sometimes )
Hi ,
Will u please have a look at CachedRowSets ?? ur problem regarding serializing a resultset will be solved by using cachedrowsets .
See ..
Your ChatServer neverlistens !! . Its the RMI Registry that is listening to some port for requests . When u bind an object to an registry u just make it available for ur other programs to be remotely accessible . I would advise u to refer to suns RMI Tutorial available at thier site .
PS: Is ur Chatserver listening to some particular port ?? Will u let us know ur app briefly
23 years ago
To be very frank there are none . The only references are the tutorials available on the net . Most of the books fail to go beyond the basics and leave u gasping for info.
It would be real better if u go thru the archives of this forum thoroughly . I found answers to some of my problems here .
23 years ago
Hi ,
The registry's purpose is just to store and give you a reference to a remote service ( which many call server like chatserver , time server etc ). It listens on the specifed port and serves any requests for a particular service i.e a remote service .There is no question of ur server actually listening on that port.Aslo note that u cannot have 2 services running on the same port
(Correct me if I m wrong )
23 years ago
Have u tried giving all permissions to your code base ??
23 years ago
I am implementing an application where two clients ( applets)communicate with each other . Initially they can get the reference to the other using the Server but once they have the reference can they directly communicate wth each other. I have tried this approach but it doesnt works . The applet throws Security Exceptions !!
Has anyone tried this ? Or is there a better approach ?
23 years ago