Hi ,
Those are real good suggestions . It really makes good sense to have a new interface built around an existing time tested system , that might have evolved and perfected over the years. No doubt IT managers would love that idea .
And Ruijin , you have already shown the initiative. I am sure your manager will appreciate that. And I think that Kyle didnt mean creating separate classes to split up the variables. The classes will evolve naturally as result of the OO Design. So dont take that statement literally ( Correct me if I am wrong Kyle )
All the best .
Good , now I need to go back to my books for some real serious reading on OOAD.
Kyle , I must thank you for the EJB Workbook . Without it I would have never learnt deploying EJB's on WS .
Keep it up .
[ March 04, 2003: Message edited by: Kunal Aher ]