Sim Kim

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since Aug 06, 2004
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Recent posts by Sim Kim

I am creating an application where I want to restrict the camera preview to about 80% of camera screen. I could accomplish it using the layout_weight=0.8 . Now I need to implement border at the corner of the camera preview.

I have attached a snapshot of what I really want to accomplish. The borders shown in red color is what I really want . Any pointer will be helpful.

Here is how I have reduced camera image to 80%.

Please see the attached image of what I really want.

13 years ago

I need to call my Activity when user dials a number and when user has finished the call ? Is is possible to do so .

I want to install this on my phone without touching the default phone dialer activity.

13 years ago


I am new to J2ME . I am trying to create a Web service client for my JAX-WS based web service. Is it possible to use JAX-WS to create webservice client or I need to stick to JAX-RPC.

14 years ago
I think you should use Challan number 280 and Self Assessment Tax 300 .
14 years ago
Hi Jeanne,

In India there are many universities and the score 68% is good or OK depending on the university the candidate studied.

For example , if you study from Banglore university , there 75% is distinction and above 60% is A class.

While if you study in Pune university , 66% is distinction and 60% is A class. So a guy with 68% in Pune would be better than the one in Banglore.
15 years ago

Hey anyone used single sign on in Jboss. I am trying to do it but no success.

My issue very similar to Jboss forum

no answer on this in the forum.

15 years ago
I am building a Widget which would give me temperature of a particular city. Now to create a widget,
I am using a Activity class , where I supply the city name and state name to the widget.

But before the View of the Activity class is displayed the onUpdate method of my WidgetProvider is
called and it tries to read the values of city name and state name, and it creates a widget.

I want the onUpdate of WidgetProvider should be called only after I press save button on my View of
the Activity.

Please throw some light on this ?
15 years ago

I need to do some research stuff on JSF 2 and I am using GlassFish v3 Prelude . But the updatetool or the Web based update center doesnot seem to work and so I am unable to upgrade glassfish libs to JSF 2 . Any body able to do it and use JSF 2 on any server ?
15 years ago

I am also preparing for the exam.Using old notes of MZ and Watsh Rajneesh.

One more site I came across : JustJavaJee

The guy has cleared the beta exam and is interested in making a guide and quiz for the new exam .
Looks like some people are interested in buying the guide plus sample questions . I am also interested in sample quiz .
Hope he brings it out soon . The cost seems ok (10$-15$) .

If sufficient people are ready to buy it maybe we can ask him to get ready fast with the questions/guide.


May be this would be helpful

If we have sufficient number of guys ready to buy the notes/questions.
This seems even better :

15 years ago
This might work :

Here bean.getEntrySet method is written like this :

Let me know if this helps .
15 years ago
Anyone from India got the score sheet from Prometric/Sun ?

A valueChangeListener will only be invoked if the value is actually changed.

I guess thats what I have written. If the value of Zipcode entered by the user changes then ValueChangeListener will be invoked and it can see whether or not to change the City name based on the zip code.

15 years ago
This example is from JSF: The Complete Reference . I am currently reading the book and have been stuck here.

Read page 156 of the book , under heading "Using a Value Change Event to Auto-Fill Fields"
You will see the same example here.

As far as explanation for #{} not getting updated is given, I think you are right but I missed one point. The valueChangeListener written for Zipcode calls responseComplete() , so there is not question of going to 4th phase. Can you guide me now how do I use managed bean here ?

As far as this is concerned :

Here you're misusing the valueChangeListener to set the value of another component instead of handling the actual change of the value (you're not interested in the old value). Here you're also misusing the immediate attribute to bypass validation (and model update!) of the other components.

I think you are wrong ? I can use the old value and new value of the zip code to do some comparison , after all every city can have many zip codes not one. So I can determine whether or not to change the value of the city field based on zip code.

Also if this book has almost the same code which I have written, so is this book wrong or I need to use some other book.
15 years ago