din dee

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since Aug 11, 2004
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any body give me suggestions

I have copy one directory(it has contains files & subfolder and sub folder has files and subfolder)
ex: d:\source
it contains one,two 2 folders,readme.txt 1 files
one folder contains sample.txt
d:\source\one\sample.txt and
two folder,contains two files and sub folder (three). d:\source\two\sample1.txt
Three sub folder,contains one gif files

I need these folder sturcture and store like e:\target\source
20 years ago
ask this id ---- [email protected]
he knows very well in single sign on.

Thanking you
20 years ago
servlet u set RequestDispatcher rd = null;
rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("viewCustomer.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);

jsp u use request.getAttribute(obj);

Thanking You
20 years ago
servlet u set
rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("viewCustomer.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);

jsp u use request.getattribute(name);

Thanking You
20 years ago
servlet u set response.setattribute(obj,name);
request.setAttribute("customer", customer);
rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("viewCustomer.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);

jsp u use request.getattribute(name);

Thanking You
20 years ago
Log4j is used for Logging .,It is do Appender,Layout(design the o/p ) for logging information. using log4j.xml ., it has file tag u assign where u can store it.
I have the coding abt to read excel sheet shell by sheel and and store the Database (oracle). using jsp,servlet,VO
20 years ago
I want implement my project my own version control like CVS,VSS.
I want access the folder remote machine any OS from local machine.
(remote to come local machine)
and I deploy anywhere(targer path) any OS. to some other remote machine.
(local machine to remote machine).

using XML
any body Please give the tips...
20 years ago
I want implement my project my own version control like CVS,VSS.
I want access the folder remote machine any OS from local machine.
(remote to come local machine)
and I deploy anywhere(targer path) any OS. to some other remote machine.
(local machine to remote machine).

Please give the tips...
20 years ago