Adrian Enns

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since Aug 11, 2004
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Recent posts by Adrian Enns

I might have missed that. I should be good then. Is there any algorithm better than others? Or should this be enough? SecureRandom rand = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG", "SUN");
7 years ago
I don't think the numbers generated are random enough using the Sun cryptography algorithms available. None of the algorithms are FIPS 140-2 certified. I definitely would like to define my API using SecureRandom or with an implementation of SecureRandom, I'm not planning on reinventing the wheel there.
7 years ago
I need to write a random number generator that uses an algorithm that is FIPS 140-2 compliant/certified. I am having a tough time finding anything that will work for me. Anyone done this before?

Using Java 8. Development environment is Mac OSX and servers are CentOs 7.
7 years ago
Does anyone know how to generate a SAML token with weblogic 10, verify that a SAML token is valid and get a user id from a SAML token?
16 years ago
I am using Weblogic 9.2 and I want to create a web service that will be able to do the following: (1) generate a SAML token with username/password, (2) validate that a SAML token is valid , and (3) get the user's id from a SAML token.

Does anyone have experience with this and have some assistance for me?
16 years ago
In Weblogic platforms 9 and 10 the workshop IDE is now Eclipse. Seems to be working alright for us.
17 years ago
I know in Weblogic 8.1 you can set "entitlements" of whether a portlet is visible or not by the role of the person who is logged in. Alternatively, I know you can also get access to the "desktop" of the portal application, then get all of the portlets associated with the desktop, and make specific portlets visible/invisible by the name/id of the portlet. Anyways, I'm not sure how this relates to Websphere, but I hope it helped somewhat.
17 years ago
Has anyone out there used JOOReports with JSF and have an example they can share with me or point me to?
18 years ago
How do you add a maximize button to a JSR 168 portlet? I am using Weblogic 8.1 portal.
18 years ago
Thanks, I figured it out... it's "[$]".
18 years ago
I have a String variable that contains a bunch of $ symbols in it. I want to replace all of the "$" with blank text. I have tried String.replaceAll("$","") but it doesn't work.... does anybody know the regular expression that represents the $ sign?
18 years ago
Thanks, that worked. I had tried that, but my changed code wasn't getting deployed to my server for some reason. Thanks.
19 years ago
I'm trying to find out the difference between two date objects. I need to know if the time between them is greater than 5 years. Is there a simple way to do this. The first date will always be the system time (today), and the second date will be a date I'm retrieving from the database... the day it was inserted into the database. Both objects are of java.util.Date type.
19 years ago
I have a comparator that sorts a collection of objects by date in descending order, but I'm having problem creating a comparator that sorts by date in ascending order. Can you help?

The code for the desceding comparator is:

private class DateComparatorDescending implements Comparator
public int compare(Object one, Object two)
CmnProbEduTraining objOne = (CmnProbEduTraining)one;
CmnProbEduTraining objTwo = (CmnProbEduTraining)two;

if (objOne.getInsertedDt().after(objTwo.getInsertedDt()))
return -1;
else if (objOne.getInsertedDt().before(objTwo.getInsertedDt()))
return +1;
return 0;
19 years ago
full error is:

at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.isValueReference(UIComponentTag.jav
at javax.faces.webapp.ConverterTag.createConverter(
at com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ConvertDateTimeTag.createConverter(Conv
at javax.faces.webapp.ConverterTag.doStartTag(
at jsp_servlet._jsp._content.__trainingdetails._jspService(__trainingdet
at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
19 years ago