The javaDocs on Authenticator seem to indicate that it's intended for use on a client, not a server.
Though I am using it inside tomcat but still my complete application is client of another application , where authentication is being triggered.
And definitely not as a multi-user authenticator. For that, I think you'd have to instantiate a new authenticatorfor each request, not expect the authenticator class itself to serve as a factory or provider.
I did try to use new Instance every time by writing a new class extending the authenticator class, but did't work
Actually once a negotiation happens, it doesn't trigger any negotiation, to my surprise when I removed network cable ad tomcat was on my local machine, authentication was successful
On other environment , when I changed the authentication to kerberos, I am not facing any issue.
However I am trying to know exact cause of issues with NTLM and possible solutions for same