Shailesh Chandra

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since Aug 13, 2004
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Recent posts by Shailesh Chandra

one day someone asked my about database naming convention and I referred to this  post and I found link I mentioned was broken. fortunately I found the same link on google search

Hi Deepak,

Thanks for your reply !

I have further query to you answer, you have explained about auto-scaling pattern for Jenkins containers on K8s cluster.  What I’m looking for is a an auto-scaling pattern of the nodes in the cluster themselves.

are there any pattern available to address this scenario


7 years ago
Hi  Fellwow  Rancher,

I’m curious what sort of patterns you would recommend for auto-scaling the K8s cluster – are there leading metrics or trends that could efficiently drive auto-scaling?  Or is this a known limitation that is manual scaling.  Just to clarify, this is not around scaling of the container instances, which is an existing K8s feature, but rather overall cluster capacity / nodes.

Given Deepak Vohra is also with us on forum now a days ! @Deepak what is your take on this.

7 years ago
finally its flying ? now someone please help me to land !
Hi Tim

Thanks for your time and giving me food of thought, I have solved the issue using one of the suggestion in above posted URL.

I have used below code to solve my issue

only cache for which It didn't work earlier was: I didn't create separate class for Authenticator, rather I did use inner anonymous class

11 years ago
This URL explains my problem, but none of suggestion working for me
11 years ago

The javaDocs on Authenticator seem to indicate that it's intended for use on a client, not a server.

Though I am using it inside tomcat but still my complete application is client of another application , where authentication is being triggered.

And definitely not as a multi-user authenticator. For that, I think you'd have to instantiate a new authenticatorfor each request, not expect the authenticator class itself to serve as a factory or provider.

I did try to use new Instance every time by writing a new class extending the authenticator class, but did't work

Actually once a negotiation happens, it doesn't trigger any negotiation, to my surprise when I removed network cable ad tomcat was on my local machine, authentication was successful

On other environment , when I changed the authentication to kerberos, I am not facing any issue.

However I am trying to know exact cause of issues with NTLM and possible solutions for same


11 years ago
I think I didn't give enough information here.

I am writing service components exposed as REST , and my service component are accessing SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Services) via webservice exposed by SSRS,

I need to authenticate myself before accessing SSRS and same authentication user is used to by SSRS to verify various credential, so for each user. If I enable any tomcat based authentication which will definitely authenticate but still , I have to authenticate user while creating connection to SSRS webservices, in other words the tomcat authentication is not fruitful for me, because second authentication is inevitable .

So I am using Java Authentication before creating SoapService object which is working for me, but It is causing issue in subsequent calls. Credential of first authentication are being used every time.

my standalone program works fine, so only difference I see is, JVM terminates in standalone program and in tomcate JVM is alive, which I suspect is caching the authentication result.

11 years ago
I have developed a application which authenticates against Domain server using NTLM authentication, Different user of application are using their domain credential to log into application.

I am facing a problem that application is not using every user login credential, rather it uses first user's credential (seems It is caching authentication results), so whenever new user passes the authentication , it simply logs into application because some other user was authenticated earlier.

my standalone program is not having such issue

I am using Java authenticator to authenticate

Just wondering what's causing this

11 years ago
It seems issue is with your stored procedure, are you able to run stored procedure independently (without JDBC) ?

Alejandro Barrero wrote: Could I use RowSet after clossing the connection if I create the Statement with RowSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY?

Yes you can use rowset after closing connection, I tried it long back, check if this helps

what does System.out.println(currentDate); print ?
you need to elaborate clearly what is input and what is output , you are expecting
only thing now I can think of is , if you are connected to correct database...just a guess that registered user table exists in both database !