omar bili

Ranch Hand
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since Aug 13, 2004
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the following is the HTML pages header
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

any idea?
17 years ago
what i entered:

the result was:

hope this helps.
17 years ago
in my strusts application, i tried to write an arabic text in a text input and submit the form.
the characters are messed up when they reach java (no database for now)
the html page header contain the UTF-8 thing.
is there a configuration file that needs to be changed in order to display the arabic characters?
17 years ago
this means thanks a lot in spanish
even though i am lebanese
i want to create a program that decode tcp packets and return the sender, the destination and the content + the type.
any idea from where to start? thanks in advance
17 years ago
i want to create a program that decode tcp packets and return the sender, the destination and the content + the type.
any idea from where to start? thanks in advance
Hi, while trying to access the server with more than 50 users at the same time (server is tomcat 5, and i am running a program that does that simulate virtual users) i kept getting in some cases the following exception: Connection reset Connection refused and i am getting in some cases the following error message: Internal Server error .... can you please tell me of those error messages are normal to get when a big number of users tries to access the site at the same time? and please if possible the meaning of those error messages. Thanks in advance BILANI O
is there a java implementation of this algorithm?
18 years ago
i have a group of items, stored in an array, sorted according to the influence:

class person
name (string)
influence (number)
end class

i have a number x, i need to get a group of items where the sum of their influence is the closest to the given number x

s1 70
s2 60
s3 25
s4 11

and x = 90:
so the result wil be s2 and s3 coz 70 + 25 = 95 is the closest sum to 90..
sorry for i dont know if such an algo has a name..
thanks for any help.
18 years ago
i have a group of items, stored in an array, sorted according to the influence:

class person
name (string)
influence (number)
end class

i have a number x, i need to get a group of items where the sum of their influence is the closest to the given number x

s1 70
s2 60
s3 25
s4 11

and x = 90:
so the result wil be s2 and s3 coz 70 + 25 = 95 is the closest sum to 90..
sorry for i dont know if such an algo has a name..
thanks for any help.
18 years ago
Hi all
i need to start a small 3D application, so i'm thinking with the java3d
in this application i need to dinamically draw ellipses and circles, anyone knows a fast and easy Java3D tutorial?
thanks in advance
18 years ago
wow getInstance worked, but please can you tell me how was that??
the Calendar is an interface.. what does this function return!?!?
and is it function that exists in a lot of interfaces??
thanks for the help.
18 years ago
i'm trying to convert a normal class to a midlet, this class contain an instance of the GregorianCalendar... the j2me classes dont contain GregorianCalendar it only have the interface Calendar (surely i cant create an instance of this class)
is there a way to solve that??
18 years ago
is there a magnifier cursor in java??
if not how can i change the mouse cursor to a magnifier??
19 years ago