Heidi Golledge

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since Jan 10, 2001
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Recent posts by Heidi Golledge

Please send your resume to:
22 years ago

Wanna make from $80,000 to $150,000 per year?
Want your eyes to pop out with excitement at your next job?
Wanna be so cool that all the other coding kids love you?
Wanna smile everyday at work?
This job will do all that for you and MORE?
We have two positions in Conneticutt!!
What you do need?
~ a desire to ROCK when you program
~ At least one year professional experience with RationalRose, UML or ClearCase
~ Experience with other technologies, such as java, ejb
Live in CT or close...i.e. New England, PA, etc.
GREAT salary!!!
Please, green cards or US Citizens only.
Confused? Don't be - I will give you all the DETAILS!
Please email me your resume:

Thanks! =)
Heidi Golledge
Director of Recruiting

[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited March 27, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited March 27, 2001).]

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[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited April 02, 2001).]

23 years ago
The position is in NJ - Mount Laurel, NJ
I hope that helps!!

Originally posted by anonymouscoward:
How close to NY are you? Where exactly are these positions located?

23 years ago
Wanna make from $80,000 to $150,000 per year?
Want your eyes to pop out with excitement at your next job?
Wanna be so cool that all the other coding kids love you?
Wanna smile everyday at work?
This job will do all that for you and MORE?
We have three positions --- two in Conneticutt and one in New Jersey!!
What you do need?
~ a desire to ROCK when you program
~ At least one year professional experience with UML or ClearCase
~ Experience with other technologies, such as java, ejb
Live in CT or NJ or close...i.e. New England, PA, etc.
GREAT salary!!!
Please, green cards or US Citizens only.
Confused? Don't be - I will give you all the DETAILS!
Please email me your resume:

Thanks! =)
Heidi Golledge
Director of Recruiting

[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited March 27, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited March 27, 2001).]
23 years ago

Wanna work for the hottest b2b company in Boston? That just received over $10 million in their 4th round of funding?
Up to $200k per year!!
Please send your resume to:

Thanks! =)
Heidi Golledge
Director of Recruiting
23 years ago

Hi guys!!
Actually - we have so many candidates now from other fields - wireless, optonics, etc. that we are doing site revisions. However, here is the salary calculator link directly:
23 years ago
Hi Jim!
I would never put down contracting, in fact, it is a GREAT way to develop a strong skillset. I am just saying that I personally do not specialize in contract positions.
I do, however, work with large consulting firms, and many of my candidates have a GREAT time being flown around the country learning new technologies. They also like the fact that every 3-4 months their job changes, so they are truly 'coders' and not maintenance people, cleaning up the site after it is created.

[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited February 07, 2001).]
23 years ago
Hello all!!
Whew -- this seems to be a HOT topic!! For what it is worth, we as recruiters should try to do our best to make your job search easy, focused, and to get you the job you want.
What types of things can a recruiter do for you? Negotiation is key. They can help you negotiate stock options, starting salary and bonuses. Tell the recruiter everything up front - what you make, what you want, and what kind of job you want, in terms of technology, start up, etc.
These are the types of things you should know going in:
~ What location do I want to focus on? Will you relo to get the right job? --- consider all factors before flying around and deciding, like Dorothy 'there is no place like home'.
~ Do I want to 'risk it all' and go with a small start-up, or would I feel more comfortable 'going corporate' and working for a large, stable company.
~ Current salary
~ Desired salary
~ Would you consider less salary and more stock - or are you an only cash talks type of employee.
~ Is technology more important then pay - this you should really consider. As a recruiter, with your best interests at heart, for example, I would rather place you at a Java/C++ position that pays $80k then a Delphi job that pays $90k. Why? Because in a year your skillset will be outdated.
My best placements? Placing someone that was a java developer into a java architect role -- sure, they made $30k more - but the thrill of learning new technology and leading a team was so rewarding for them, that it made it a pleasure to place.
By the way -- I do perm placements. I like to see someone join a team, and be happy there.

Thanks! =)
Heidi Golledge
Director of Recruiting
23 years ago
Do you think it adds to your annual income?

[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited February 05, 2001).]

As a recruiter, I know that employers do look at the Sun Java Certification as a positive step toward making you a valuable and desired employee.
If they interview two people with basically the same qualifications/personality, the one with the Java Cert. would win out. =)
Hope that helps,
23 years ago
Hi Mark! =)
Your comments are appreciated, and I would even agree with some of them. Some recruiters have a used car feel - or even a 'sharky' attitude.
That is precisely what we try to stay away from. It is even written in our agreement that we will not take a candidate from a company once they are placed there - or any employee from that company, for that matter.
I like to deal with 'holes in one'. Sending the perfect candidate in for the perfect job. Both client and candidate are happy. Unlike some recruiters, who send 20-30 resumes and hope it may be a fit.
I understand tho, because I have had, for example, a creative director who I placed tell me that he had been sent by recruiters for C++/OOD positions, and a Java architect talk to me as he just got back from driving 4 hours for a SQL DBA interview.
Morale of the story - talk to your recruiter - check out their website - and then - check out the website of the company they are suggesting. It is also important to get a written copy of the job description, either before the interview - or just off the companies website.
The service is free - and, when it works - it works great. The best recruiters know their jobs well, and will save your time and the clients time.
All the best,
23 years ago
Cynics welcome ;-)
True! We do recruit --- but why would guys be looking in this employment section if they were not interested in a move?
Also - we guarantee all of our candidates, and once placed in one of our clients, we cannot place them anywhere else.
So, not only do we want you to be happy in the position you are in --- it is financial adventagous for us to place you in a great position. So, we search for the best companies that will mentor you and hopefully turn a java developer into an architect that will be happy for years.
What is a recruiter's true success story? A developer - turned architect - turned team lead - turned CTO - that comes back to hire great developers from us.
Everybody wins. =)
[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited January 30, 2001).]
23 years ago

Great Questions guys!!
Finding a job that you love is the most important thing. We place nationally - not just in the Silicon Valley.
For example, we have positions in Portland, Maine with ocean views from every office with the hottest java technology out there. =)


Thanks! =)
Heidi Golledge
Director of Recruiting
23 years ago
Java engineers get paid a LOT in this HOT market??
Are you getting paid what you are worth?
Find out what your salary SHOULD be - and get the latest on the HOTTEST jobs out there!
go to our site:
Thanks! =)
Heidi Golledge
Director of Recruiting

[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited January 11, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Heidi Golledge (edited February 13, 2001).]
23 years ago