divya madala

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Recent posts by divya madala

The below code doesn't work. Is there anyway how I can read only a particular line in a file and rewrite only that line?

[ May 03, 2004: Message edited by: divya madala ]
[ May 03, 2004: Message edited by: divya madala ]
[ May 03, 2004: Message edited by: divya madala ]
20 years ago
Hi All/Elilory Delpunti,

I know it's been a while since this message was posted, but just wondering if you came up with any solution for the problem you had with the SAXExcepiton
I get the exception as something similar
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element
at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializer.onStartChild(BeanDeserializer.java:260)
at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContextImpl.startElement(DeserializationContextImpl.java:963)
at org.apache.axis.message.SAX2EventRecorder.replay(SAX2EventRecorder.java:198)
at org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement.publishToHandler(MessageElement.java:725)
at org.apache.axis.message.RPCElement.deserialize(RPCElement.java:233)
at org.apache.axis.message.RPCElement.getParams(RPCElement.java:347)
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2234)
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:2133)
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(Call.java:1656)
at SoapBindingStub.retrieveCase(SoapBindingStub.java:1292)
I would appreciate any reply to this post.
[ March 29, 2004: Message edited by: divya madala ]
20 years ago
I have tried s2 = s1.replaceAll ("<BR>", ""); It works.
But I'm not able to have the output without line breaks. I want the output as a paragraph. Not line by line.
s2 = s1.replaceAll ("\n", ""); didn't work.
20 years ago
Hi All,
My function returns a string something like below.
" Def is not to consume or possess any alcohol or controlled substances without a prescription from licensed physician, with random screenings at defendant's own expense.<BR>
No premises where alcohol is sold for consumption.<BR>
No Driving.";
Pay Crime Lab and Drug Assessment fee (see 'other' above for amount)<BR>
Any other counseling up to PO<BR>
Write letter of apology<BR>
Pay restitution of $2721.03 plus 10% surcharge<BR>
All Payments - First directed to restitution, then to Court appointed Attorney fees, then to the fine/costs.<BR>
Pay DOC supervision fees
The reason why I gave two samples is because I wanted to let you know the output of that function varies depending on the way that function is called.
How can I get a string out of the above output (in the 1st case), I mean without <BR>'s and as one sentence.

" Def is not to consume or possess any alcohol or controlled substances without a prescription from licensed physician, with random screenings at defendant's own expense. No premises where alcohol is sold for consumption No Driving.";
Pay Crime Lab and Drug Assessment fee (see 'other' above for amount)Any other counseling up to PO Write letter of apology Pay restitution of $2721.03 plus 10% surcharge All Payments - First directed to restitution, then to Court appointed Attorney fees, then to the fine/costs. Pay DOC supervision fees
Please help with this. I know this could be a small detial that I am missing. But would really appreciate a simple idea.
20 years ago
I have a wait statement in my catch block. (when I catch the exception, I want wait for 10 mntues before I start it again). I have some variables to be updated at "finally". My question now, will it wait for that time (specified in catch) before it updates the variables at finally block?
I have code as follows

will it wait for those 45 min? to incerement a?
20 years ago
Hi All,
Can anybody give me a code where I should have the output of missing numbers from a sequence.
For example if I have a list
then my output should be 12341,12344,12349. I know this's a homework assignment, but I would appreciate any help you could offer.
Thanks for your help,
20 years ago
Is there a way I can have a java program to run from 10 am and stop the execution at 5 pm in the evening ,again start/stop it back the same time next day?
Crontab might not be an option since it starts at the specified time, but it runs till the program finishes. There is no way with the crontab that we can stop the execution at a specified time.
If this cannot be done with a UNIX script, then can you please suggest a way I can do it with in the java application.
Thanks for your help.
20 years ago
Hi All,
Inorder to move a java project thats already compiled on eclipse, I chose export and converted as a Jar file and then to tar file.
Now when I moved the tar file to UNIX box, and did a xvf on it, why am I not able to see the directory structure? What I want to do is go to "src" folder where my code is supposed to be present and edit the code that I developed before.
20 years ago
Which collections object is good to show the missing number from a sorted list. Any ideas please!!!
Suppose my numbers are
Then the output should be 100246
[ February 16, 2004: Message edited by: divya madala ]
20 years ago
Hi All,
To print the name 1000 times in every year , I used the below logic.
Just wondering if anybody could suggest a better and a much simpler way.
Is there a way I can automate not to have so many "if" statements?

Thanks for your help,
[ February 04, 2004: Message edited by: divya madala ]
[ February 04, 2004: Message edited by: divya madala ]
21 years ago
Thanks so much for your answers Himanshu and Kiranmai. It helped a lot!!!
21 years ago
21 years ago
Strangly, nothing prints even when I print both the lines.
21 years ago
Hi All,
My intension is to grab the common lines from 2 files in which there are lines of 6 digits with a hyphen in the middle.
like say
982-648 and so on...........
It's surprising to me that the following code prints nothing though I have many lines in common in those 2 files. Can somebody please help where I am going wrong?

21 years ago
How to read a file from bottom to top and stop when it finds an empty line?
Please help.
21 years ago