Bill Mietelski

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since Aug 18, 2004
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Recent posts by Bill Mietelski

Any C# gurus out there?

Brett (the editor of the Head First series) has a post over at Head First Labs; they're looking for technical reviewers for the upcoming Head First C# book ...

We've got a really great book just a few months away, but we really need some hardcore C# guys to add some technical oversight.

If you're interested you'll find the entire post here.
[ October 01, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
17 years ago

It's here! We just got our advance copies in the O'Reilly office, which means copies should be arriving in bookstores within the next two weeks (depending on where you are)...

Head First Labs

17 years ago
Hey Bert,

I could really use a book on .NET development using C#.
No rush; Friday should be fine.

Say 'Hi' to Kathy for me.
17 years ago

Release date is in ten days: March 1st 07.

Rahul, you may be correct, but ... if you're looking at the date on Amazon's site, I wouldn't place any bets for now.

Having said that, I have pre-ordered the book and am looking forward to picking up a little PMBOK know-how.

Heck, I even pre-ordered HF Algebra (somewhere my high school math teacher is rolling over in her grave).
[ February 21, 2007: Message edited by: Bill Mietelski ]
17 years ago

I actually picked up the book last week. I'm only four chapters in, but it's the best intro material I've read so far, and I'm looking forward to getting through the middle of the book and creating the Depot application.

After the Depot app, I have a "real" application I want to try, but I'm still very new to Rails, and I keep hearing about the "greenfield" vs legacy thing. I have three specific features in mind; maybe you can tell me if they're do-able in Rails.

My legacy app uses a back-end DB2 database. So far, no problem. But the tables have composite primary keys. Most of the examples of Rails apps I see use surrogate auto-generated integer primary keys. Are composite primary keys possible using Rails?

This legacy app I have in mind also uses Stored Procedures. I haven't seen any examples of this in Rails, at least from what I've seen so far. Can I call DB2 Stored Procedures in Rails?

Finally, this legacy app displays a grid, similar to DomAPI's Listgrid. Is something like this possible in Rails?

Thanks for a great book!
18 years ago

I'd be up for reviewing again as well.
The Software Development book sounds like another winner.

... Bill
18 years ago
Bert, that's great news!

I'll start making a list. Maybe check it twice. (Gotta find out which OO developers have been naughty or nice.)

18 years ago
Does anyone know if Head First OOA&D will be shipping any time soon? (I have a lot of OO developers on my Christmas shopping list!)
18 years ago
For a project manager, I'd recommend J2EE 1.4: The Big Picture.

Here's my favorite quote from one of the reviewers:

This book gives me a headache, because on just about every page I'd slap myself in the head and say 'That's it?!? That's what all the mystery is about?!' Now I feel like I'm in the know. I might not be able to code this stuff yet, but I sure get what's going on now.

--Floyd Jones, senior technical writer, BEA Systems

18 years ago
That's cool! ... after getting dumped by O'Reilly, it's nice seeing her land on her feet.
18 years ago
Yesterday, reported that Oracle may buy JBoss ... how do you think an acquisition will impact JBoss?
19 years ago
Here's another idea for alternate book covers: personalized covers

Who wouldn't want to be on the cover?

19 years ago
Ordered December 24th. Nuttin' yet.

Originally posted by Ilja Preuss:
Bill, cool song, wrong choice...

What can I say? None of the others inspired my muse.

19 years ago