hi friend ,
what i could understand from your mail was that u wanna know wether u can do applet-servlet communication without using this meta tag of yours.well
there're three ways to carry out applet servlet communication
raw socket
http socket
RMI--serialized objects
well telling u about http communication
in the applet
make a URL object
URL url=new ("location of the servlet");
URLConnection con=url.openConnection();//open a connection
con.setRequestProperty("content type","application/x-www-urlencoded");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new IntputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));//depends on your choice what u wanna use
then read the content from the servlet using readLine()or what ever u wish.
well this is very general but hope it will help u.
in the servlet use
req.getWriter()-to write just like u do in html(req is an object of HttpServletRequest)
hope this will be adequate for u
consult java server programming -wrox publication
java servlet programming--o'reilly
for further knowledge
