Surya Kumar

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since Aug 21, 2004
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Recent posts by Surya Kumar

Dear Mikalai Zaikin

My mail id is [email protected]/[email protected]

Thank you
Dear Mikalai Zaikin

Please send the PDF notes and quiz to me. My mail id is [email protected]/[email protected]

I tried send in the mail to [email protected] and [email protected] But unable to send it through. It bounced back some reasons.

Thank you
I tried mail addresses [email protected] & [email protected] for the pdf request mail. But unable to send it through. Please advise on any alternatives! Thanxs in advance!
Not on expected lines. But following are the details:

Date Taken: 2007-03-08 15:20:45.607
Registration Number: o64syd50f0
Site: ii002
Grade: P
Score: 80
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70. Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 36 Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 32 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12

I really appreciate all your help. Thank you all!!!
Any deals on Web Services certification exam from sun?
Any other places where i can get this voucher for less price in india?
Take it easy. The score doesn't matter. As far as you put your effort in completing the assignement and you passed is great. Have a question for you, how long did you wait for the results?
Very sorry. Its suppose to be the reply for Steve Taiwan's post. I'll put it there.

Moderator: Is possible remove this thread!!!
Take it easy. The score doesn't matter. As far as you put your effort in completing the assignement and you passed is great. Have a question for you, how long did you wait for the results?
I got 'JUnit in Action', bcos its seems up to the point. What do you think it lacks comparing to te JUnit Recipes?
19 years ago
Is the 3.0 spec been released?
I am new to testing using JUnit. I have the following questions:
a] Which is the right book that covers the whole of JUnit testing that includes J2EE?
b] Where can i find the necessary resources in the net?

19 years ago
Follow the sample of relation between movies and directors as specified right there.
Just an assumption.

When using the local interfaces the objects are passed by reference. Because an object can be passed as an argument, the whole bean's current state could have been accessed from anywhere in the call chain. A bean provider should'nt try to save this current state in another object or a different bean. That's basically 'don't capture the beans current state'.
Just read HFS tharoughly. U'll all set.
I bought HFS on 08/02/05. Yesterday i appeared with two weeks of preparation. Resourceful book. Regards.