Sridevi Shrikanth

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since Jan 11, 2001
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Recent posts by Sridevi Shrikanth

Any plans on what to do next? SCJA???
Just curious!!!.
Congratulations David
23 years ago
Sorry could not catch up: was busy!!!
Thanks all of you.
Hi kaffo lekan,
Regarding the exam, it might be tough for beginners who are new to Information Technology. I feel that candidates who are taking the exam must have good understanding of Object Oriented concepts and Java. There are code based and non-code based questions in the test.
I would recommend taking the mock exams available free on the internet to see what your position is regarding the test.
A list of mock exams are available on the site
Bye and good luck
23 years ago
The info is got from site tutorials.
long to float -> widening

U can refer to RHE chapter that describes it.
If you do not receive a certificate within the designated time or there is an error on your certificate, please send email to:

the designated time is 20 working days for non US candidates and 15 days for US Candidates
The objectives listed by the sun's site are the one reflecting true detailed objectives. If u want to know whether u r ready or not and what are ur weak areas, u can try taking mock tests that are available free on the internet.
The list can be got from this site,, etc.
This is because the range of float values is larger than the range of long values.
long range: -2^63 to 2^63-1
float range :1.4e^-48 to 3.4e38(approx)
upcasting and downcasting doesnot necessarily mean the byte size but the range of values held.
And thats why u need an explicit cast from char to short and vice versa even though they are of same size(2 bytes)
Yes, private methods can be overridden.

Methods cannot be overridden to be more private. Hence the two options are possible.
private methods are not visible outside the members of the class, there will not be any point in overriding private methods with another private method.
I suggest that U can take from now. The more the number of mock exams the more stronger ur skills grow. It helps u identify weak areas. For the list of mock exams, see this site
Negative numbers are represented as 2's complement.
Let me take a simple no: 41
Its binary rep is : 00101001
Taking 2's complement is as follows:
Negate the bits and add one to the result:
Negating the bits: 11010110
Add 1 : 11010111
so -41 is 11010111
Hope this helps
23 years ago
This might be because SequenceInputStream takes
Enumeration and Not Iterator as an constructor argument.
23 years ago
Congrats. Great Achievement.
Sridevi Shrikanth
23 years ago
Four objects are created.
When the assgn. takes place
After this three Objects are eligible.
When d= null is executed,
the reference to the OBject A is reduced by 1. since b,c and a still have refernces, Object A is not eligible for gc(). At the end of the block, all the four are eligible, but not until then.
Because any variables declared inside a interface are automatically static and final.
Thinking in java, Bruce eckel, pg: 275
Inner classes doesnot have access to method(local) variable.
The new instance of anonymous class is a inner class declared inside a method.
And tthese classes have access only to final variables declared in the method.
This is mainly because
U can create an instance of the inner class and return the refernce to any calling object. Inner classes always has an outer class reference associated with it. However it doesnot have the reference of the method variables. However Final is treated as a constant in Java.
For (eg)

if int 'i' is printed out, there will defintely be an error.
Hope this helps.