But I thought that I could do this without the wsdl. I use jax-ws annotations.
I use the spring-xfire to make the magic happen. Is there anyway I can include classes with annotations?
I'm trying to generate a webservice client in eclipse. I have developed a Web Service with jax ws and everything works fine except for the following.
My dto are inherited like this.
class Block
class Image extends Block
class Table extends Block
The web service method returns Block and I check instance of in my client. The problem is that the Image class is not included in the wsdl since the webservice method returns the class Block. How can I include the Image, Table in the generated classes.
What I really trying to do is to make and multipart upload. and when the upload is started on the onsubmit I'm checking a ajax request. This is not the same way as posting with ajax because this will not work.
However, it seams that the responsiveness of the browsers stops. (in safari, opera. Not in IE ) So the only way is using an Iframe to get it to work with all browsers
It is not an AJAX request with multipart since this doesn't work. I make a post to an IFrame and then start an asyncron AJAX GET to my servlet that uses apache commons upload. My problem is that the session is not always set.
Actually, when using a plain servlet with the code I can get it to work in safari.
I have tried to set up this with wicket framework and it seams that safari can not find the resource but all other browsers can. So now I'm building a servlet
for upload instead. Need progressbar
I want to show it to the user as wysiwyg. If the user inserts a list then I would like to show bullits with indent but the model may look something like this.
What about not adding childs to a node before expanding?
Let's say we have a root node that is c:\
you need to implement the hasChild, childCount. When clicking the root you load the next step into the tree. This can be done with all the nodes.
If you use java.io.File as an object in DefaultMutableTree node you should get this to work.