jack nick

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Recent posts by jack nick

Hi there,

Is there some way to be able to use an USB barcode scanner and read this through in a web application. Would be great if someone could point me through to any solution regards this scenario.

16 years ago
Thanks for that Peer,
those docs were sure helpful which brings me to a conclusion I am a total novice at web services and in particular how the axis configuration works.

perhaps you could guild my direction a bit further.

my project requirements are for me to publish a few of our process as web services. for the most part a client would get a call, our service does a bit of processing and we send back a response. standard sync all. no probs here.

one of the process though is for the client to sent a file as a SOAP attachment. This file is used to trigger off an end of day process (which takes about 45 mins). so we are not sending any response back (at all). But would like the client to be sent an acknowledgment to the effect that their SOAP message was received at our end. (Would I be calling this async???)

Would need to create a test client as well to consume this.

16 years ago
Hi Peer,

thanks for you post. The problem I am facing is since I am making an async call I do not get a response. using the following axis execute call on the operation client object


As a result I do not get a SOAP response back (I do not know whether this is meant to send a response back). I am assuming this call is made over HTTP and hence need to capture the response code (either 200 or 202 to tell the client that the message being sent across was accepted by the server or a 500 where it was not).

would help stop the graying of my hair should I get his answered.

16 years ago
Thanks guys,

Unfortunately both the solutions did not work out. Using the getProperty on the client simply returns null. hence cant derive any status code from the response.

In the meantime I have been also muling with WSRM protocol using Sandesha2 on top of Axis. This seems like a solution on the basis that that web service I will be consumed is developed to support WSRM but unfortunately this is not the case. So back to the drawing board on this one

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

16 years ago
hi all,
any ideas on this one.. have exhausted all possible google search combination of and it getting crunch time for me. Please share your thoughts on this one.

16 years ago
Hi there,

I need to write a client in JAVA calling an async web service and all I need to capture is the HTTP response status. Is there some way of doing this using the Axis2 client API (or any other way)

16 years ago
Hi all,

Would like to know if it a possible for an Axis service to be using and library, a class from which takes in a path of a file as a String as one of the parameters.

If so where in a the axis deployment (tomcat) can such a properties file be stored.

16 years ago
Hi all,

I have deployed (I am reckoning correctly) a simple service to the axis2 on Tomcat and see it correctly in the admin section. Am using XML spy to create (must say have also tried to consume this service using java code generated with the wsdl2java tool) and send a soap envelope to the service and come up with a null pointed exception. following is the return soap envelope

could anybody shine some light on why this could possibly be happening.

[ March 13, 2008: Message edited by: jack nick ]
16 years ago
Hi there,

This is my first dab at hibernate and have come across a situation wherein

1. i have a collection of POJO objects
2. the object has a property called areaId
3. I need to use this property in query in the where clause with a join with another table.

i can at the moment i can do this in 2 ways

1. use the IN clause in - problem my list can have more than 1000 objects where the query with the IN clause will start complaining
2. create a temporary table and join this temp table in my query - want to avoid this

Is there some way to save this collection of POJO objects into the hibernate session and use this to create a select query with an existing table.

select * from table1 t, temp_table tt where t.id = tt.id

I want to avoid using temp_table

Hello there,

Any experience with message broker floating around. I need to have an XML file appended to data which needs to be got from a web service. Any idea on how to achieve this.

MQInput Node - > HTTP Request - > MQOutput node

The input node will have the XML to be transformed in the configured inqueue. The HTTP Request calls the web service sending an XML file which needs to be generated based on the type of XML coming in the inqueue
Perhaps after this there is a Java compute node to take in the response from the HTTP Request and map it to the original XML file

My problem is how to generated the XML to be send with the http Request node as a message

Can anybody help??? Please

Desperate MB developer
18 years ago
Thanks Paul,

From my searches on Google that was the end point I was hitting. Feeling more comfortable with your clarifications

Hello all,

I am trying to achieve an XSD date restriction to take the format mm/dd/yyyy as against the default of yyyy-mm-dd. Is there some way to define this in the XSD so as to be able to take the changed format

Hello there,

I need to be able to update a specified list of classes to an existing jar file. Now one way to do this would be to use the include file attribute for each of the classes i need to update and set the update attribute to true for teh jar task.

But what i need is to be able to read this list from an external properties file and take it from there rather than changing the ant script itself to reflect the changes in files I would like to update to the jar.

Help and suggestion would be deeply appreciated.

18 years ago
Hello all,

I have run into a real strange problem with Tomcat. We are deploying an application into the Tomcat server and this works just fine on all the environments we have used till lately.

On a certain box using pretty much the same setup (hardware and software) as always tomcat serves the first page after a long time for the same application as above. Once this first page is served the application works just fine after that.

Has anybody come accross a situation like this? If so any feedback on what is happening would be great. The WAR file has got the JSPs already precompiled.

18 years ago
Hello all,

I having bit of a problem starting tomcat with my application. What I have is a WAR file that I am trying to installation on a couple of test machine. It works magic on all but one machine and I can seem to put my finger on what could be going wrong. Attached below is a snap shot of the stdout log.

19/04/2006 15:49:45 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer install
INFO: Installing web application at context path /tomcat-docs from URL file:C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\tomcat-docs
19/04/2006 15:49:45 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 65000
19/04/2006 15:49:45 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on /
19/04/2006 15:49:45 org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/15 config=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\conf\jk2.properties
19/04/2006 15:49:45 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 6203 ms
20/04/2006 09:04:24 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stop
INFO: Stopping service Catalina
20/04/2006 09:04:24 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol destroy
INFO: Stoping http11 protocol on 65000 Catalina:type=ThreadPool,name=http65000
20/04/2006 09:04:24 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer remove
INFO: Removing web application at context path /admin
20/04/2006 09:04:24 org.apache.catalina.logger.LoggerBase stop
INFO: unregistering logger Catalina:type=Logger,path=/admin,host=localhost
20/04/2006 09:04:24 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer remove
INFO: Removing web application at context path /winepsconfig
20/04/2006 09:04:24 java.util.jar.Attributes read
WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Class-Path
20/04/2006 09:04:24 java.util.jar.Attributes read
WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Class-Path
20/04/2006 09:04:24 java.util.jar.Attributes read
WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Class-Path
20/04/2006 09:04:24 java.util.jar.Attributes read
WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Class-Path
20/04/2006 09:04:24 java.util.jar.Attributes read
WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Class-Path
20/04/2006 09:04:24 java.util.jar.Attributes read
WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Class-Path
20/04/2006 09:04:24 java.util.jar.Attributes read
WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Class-Path
20/04/2006 09:04:25 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer remove
INFO: Removing web application at context path /tomcat-docs
20/04/2006 09:04:25 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer remove
INFO: Removing web application at context path /manager
20/04/2006 09:04:25 org.apache.catalina.logger.LoggerBase stop
INFO: unregistering logger Catalina:type=Logger,host=localhost
20/04/2006 09:04:25 org.apache.catalina.logger.LoggerBase stop
INFO: unregistering logger Catalina:type=Logger
20/04/2006 09:04:25 com.provenco_retail.payments.database.pdbsol2.ConnectionManager$ConnectionCloser execute
WARNING: Connection closer executing

Any help would be appreciated fully,

18 years ago