<message name="MySoapIn">
<part name="parameters" element="enr:My_Request"/>
<portType name="MySoap">
<operation name="testOperation">
<input message="s0:MySoapIn"/>
<output message="s0:SoapOut"/>
Given the WSDL, it takes very little time to create a working client, since most WS engine come with tools that will generate the necessary Java classes for you (e.g., Axis comes with a tool called 'wsdl2java'). You won't have learned much by using the tool, but you'll have a working client.
Originally posted by Mark D. Hansen:
SOA comes into play when you want to coordinate application A with application B, in a loosely-coupled manner, to automate a business process. If application A is in Java and application B is in C#, then you need some way for them to communicate.
Originally posted by prabhu peruka:
I am confused on terminology used in WS.
1. Is a SOAP engine also called as RPC engine.
2. What are the different RPC engines avaiable.
3. When a plugin is provided in IDEs for the Webservices, whats the RPC engines used by each of these:
1. websphere
2. weblogic
3. InteliJ Idea
4. Eclips.
Originally posted by Mark Herschberg:
Generally speaking, we don't close threads here. That said, as this thread is 5 years old relating to time sensative topics, and was rather heated, I would strongly discourage people from continuing it and instead just start a new thread.