Shrini Kulkarni

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since Jan 12, 2001
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Recent posts by Shrini Kulkarni

What happens when wait() is called is this :
currently executing thread gives up LOCK - monitor and goes into the pool of threads waitng for that object. This allows any other waiting thread in the objects monitor to acquire the lock and start executing the code in the synchronised block.
Sun Certified programmer for Java2 platform.
[email protected]
Not to forget maha's site. - refer to discussions on "Threads" topic
Sun Certified programmer for Java2 platform.
[email protected]
Great reply Hari,
I also agree with you . All of this is happening due to US economy slow down. Java will continue to hold on to its position as prefered language . But the demand may not be as it used to be ( saying "java " loudly in a train and getting few interview calls). Things are likely to improve some time in May-june. Much of this depends upon the US economy in general. Let us hope that java programmers get the lost glory.
Sun Certified programmer for Java2 platform.
[email protected]
Congrats Kapil,
you have passed with a good score. All the best for the future
Sun Certified programmer for Java2 platform.
[email protected]
23 years ago
Congrats man!! greate score.
23 years ago
Hi Rajesh,
Don't loose heart, you were very close. So concentrate on weak areas. and take the exam say within max 2 months from now. As, more the more you give the gap between the exam and prepartion more will be gap between you and success. Remember the proverb " Beat the metal when it is hot". So when youare at the peak of your prepation, give exam. Dont allow urself to cool down. Keep in qouch with me ([email protected]). I shall help you. Try this time taking JQplus as aid. Take all the exams there in getting about 65-70% avg in jqplus will get you thru scp.
23 years ago
With God's grace and well wishes from all of you I have done it.
It is 67%. Not a good score. I would have been more happy to see score atleast crossing 70%. Any way, looking at the way things were moving for last 2-3 days ( scoring avg 65% in mock tests), I was very much tensed but at the same time confident that, my basics are intact. What was missing it bit of study on I/O, AWT and inner classes, and concentration. Even during the exam when I got about 10-15 series of tough qns , I thought its "GONE". But finally I could pull it to 67%. Thanks all of you for your encouragement and help.
I owe it to JQPLUS . It is the most wonderfull thing that happened to wannbe SCJPs. In terms of complexity, content, UI , JQPLLUS is all almost similar to actual exam. One should use it only at the end . Preferably 15 days b4 the exam. I would like to thanks A.Paul/Hanumanth Deshmukh for helping with JQplus at the end moment , without which I would not have cleared the exam.
It celebration time for me now. I will post a detailed one sometime later and share my experiences..
Special thanks to Kaffo ( for his prayers), Ashish, Sona, Yogesh,
Natarajan, shivalingam and may others.
Last, but not the least, javaranch the great site for JAVA.
Keep up the good work you ranchers.
One more thing, due the tension, I could sleep only at 4 o clock in the morning today though I went to Bed at 11-30 in the night itself. Out of frustration of not getting sleep I went and took one random JQPLUS test at 1:30 in the night and got 75% in it.
My wife Priya will get a special mention here as she is the main
inspiration for me to clear the test.
See you all later ..
23 years ago
My problem it that I have registered at an exam center where I was told initially that there can be no postponementof the exam .
They say that if at all there is any postponement that has to be intimated before one week and that too not guarrented. if the exam q paper is downloaded then I have to take the test other wise money is gone. So I am mentally prepared to face anything.
My nature is that in case I postpone I will be still in more tension which means no real use. Let me study bit on weak areas
take other jqplus tests ... Rest is up to GOD.
Thanks for your advise..
Hi I am on my final stages of the exam. I am entirly dependent on jqplus for exploring my week areas. So far I have finished 6 standard exams in it. Here are the scores.
test1 = 58%
test2 = 48%
test3 = 56%
test4 = 70%
test5 = 66%.
other tests I have taken so far
MindQ - 58 %
Applied reasoning - 49%
Marqus Green test1 -48 %
MG test2 - 65 %
Khalid's - 48%
mostly questions I missed were of oversight type..
I feel that I need to study a bit on inner classes, IO and few topics on AWT.
Do we get questions on Painting ?
Any views by those who passed the exam, when they were at this stage (one day to go and similar scoring pattern in mocks ?)
I am confident that I will clear the exam (thanks to jqplus) but
feel that might not score more. Let us see what happens.
Any last minite tips ?
I will make another visit to javaranch tomorrow b4 going to exam
friday morning. See you all after the test.

Just 2 days to go for my exam . one quick qn. Do we get questions, more specifically multiple chioce answers related to depricated methods like stop() on threads. If yes what should be answer ?
Say for ex:
Which of the following stop/pause thread executing :
Does stop is one among the answers ?
In one of the jqplus tests this is true though in comments it is given that the method is depricated...
please clarify
Hi Deepa,
Can you please help me out with procedure for evaluating the expression "5 >>> 4" using full 32 bit represention of the int.
I come up to converting decimal 5 to its binary ie 101 after this how this is put in the for of 32 bit int and the make shift of bits.
Also let me know how to convert say -5 to decimal !! please give both least significant bits and complete 32 bit representation.
Thanks in advance.
Hi guys, I have exactly 3 days to go for exam. I would like to go for Jqplus now. Any body having it in Bangalore/INDIA ?
I am ready to share/pay or what ever it takes to get it ... Any body preparing in bangalore with jqplus and appearing exam by Feb end, please contact me at -80-5245837(Resi) or 080-5581487-90 (off). Hurry up. I don't have time.If I were to put a fresh requestfor purchasing jqplus now at India and get it how mush is the rate and how fast I can get it..
email : [email protected]/[email protected]
Lastly is it worth it at this juncture - only 3 days to go ??
Advises are welcome.
Post the replies soon.
Hi Watson,
Always remember this, if you perform the operations like trim, concat, toUpper etc on string and dont assign the result to another string the change you have done is lost - ie orginal string is unaffected as strings are immutable. What really happens in such cases is a new string is created and returned.
You assign them to another string then results stays in the program otherwise this newly created string goes to POOL of STRINGS created by JVM. In future the program in question attempts to create a string similar to the one in pool of strings then no new string is created just the reference is asigned to it. In fact every time a new string is attempted to be created then POOL is searched first, new string is created only when the literal does not exist in the pool
Remember when you use "new" to create s string
like :
String s1 = new String ("new");
String s2 = new String ("new");
now both s1 and s2 are different strings with distinct references
Also now s1==s2 returns false while s1.equals(s2) returns true as content wise both string objects are equal.
Another thing to be noted is StringBuffer class is mutable version of String class.That means operations like concat, append etc change the source object.
Most important that StringBoffer does not override equals() method.
Hence Dont expect following to be true.
StringBuffer ss1= StringBuffer ("just");
StringBuffer ss2 = StringBuffer ("just);
if (ss1.equals(ss2)) --> returns false.
so is ss1 == ss2

Following accessment based on the info I have collected from my know sources . NOT OFFICIAL
Yes that is true currently in US. what is being said is due to dot com companies are mostly out of business and in general US economy is down. Java is the common factor among all these dotcom and e-com companies. The affect is felt in contries like INDIA which accounts for major share of software professionals going to US on H1B VISA. Dont take it as an official word.
This is what I have been listening from my friends in US and what I am hearing other wise about state of Java in US. I know many java friends (with or without certification with visa in hands) who are waiting for clearence from US offices due to low demand.
This is only for time being. The situation is expeceted to be improved some time in 2nd Qtr of 2001.


How to handle questions that deal with Hexadecimals ?
(Applied reasoning mock test)
questions like
int a = 0x67
int b = 0xBD
a^b ....
also like
if (5^9) ....
what methods to tackle questions like these ...
Do we get such questions in actual exam ?