With God's grace and well wishes from all of you I have done it.
It is 67%. Not a good score. I would have been more happy to see score atleast crossing 70%. Any way, looking at the way things were moving for last 2-3 days ( scoring avg 65% in mock tests), I was very much tensed but at the same time confident that, my basics are intact. What was missing it bit of study on I/O, AWT and inner classes, and concentration. Even during the exam when I got about 10-15 series of tough qns , I thought its "GONE". But finally I could pull it to 67%. Thanks all of you for your encouragement and help.
I owe it to JQPLUS . It is the most wonderfull thing that happened to wannbe SCJPs. In terms of complexity, content, UI , JQPLLUS is all almost similar to actual exam. One should use it only at the end . Preferably 15 days b4 the exam. I would like to thanks A.Paul/Hanumanth Deshmukh for helping with JQplus at the end moment , without which I would not have cleared the exam.
It celebration time for me now. I will post a detailed one sometime later and share my experiences..
Special thanks to Kaffo ( for his prayers), Ashish, Sona, Yogesh,
Natarajan, shivalingam and may others.
Last, but not the least, javaranch the great site for JAVA.
Keep up the good work you ranchers.
One more thing, due the tension, I could sleep only at 4 o clock in the morning today though I went to Bed at 11-30 in the night itself. Out of frustration of not getting sleep I went and took one random JQPLUS test at 1:30 in the night and got 75% in it.
My wife Priya will get a special mention here as she is the main
inspiration for me to clear the test.
See you all later ..