Originally posted by Satou kurinosuke:
To prevent the superclass's method from behind called ? (if the abstract method contains some implementation)
Originally posted by Dipti Mishra:
Thanks for such a quick response.Actually this was asked to one of my friends in the interview.....
Originally posted by Brandon Tom:
If I removed the 'final' it would then become and override and then it would break. Is that correct?
~x = - (x+1)
So ~5 = - (5+1) = -6
and ~-5 = -(-5+1) = 4
* Do NOT try to cram things at the last minute.
* In K&B book at the end of every chapter, there are summary points ( I forgot what the author's term for that ), go through them.
* Revise the table shown in the Collections chapter.
* Finally, I would suggest you carry bottle of water during your exam. Need to keep your body hydrated to think well.
Originally posted by Karthik Rajashekaran:
Here we know that for >> we use formula as x/2topower of n and for << we use x * 2to power of n
then how we use this for the following one.